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  1. Housing Benefit - Is that Council or another seperate body?
  2. Yes I come under Northampton council HB. Nystagmite - But there must be a 'range' for the income, do you know what that is? SilverFox - I dont want to mess it up because Ive got £50 too much in my account or something stupid though which is why I am trying to find out what ranges they will work with? Cheers, R
  3. Hi, How do you go about getting help with your Council Tax (I work but earn very little)? My friend is on JobSeekers and automatically got help with his council tax, but I cannot go on JobSeekers as I am not looking for work. Can I go direct to the council? I know from reading other posts that different councils are different, but as I say, my friend also in Northampton gets his Council Tax paid so I know they do 'help' people. They say on their website they cap the benefit at 91.5% for people with less than 16,000 in savings. It makes no 'easy' reference for people on low incomes? There is a PDF which gives concise details about the whole scheme and Ive tried reading through it but got absolutely lost and confused. northampton.gov.uk/downloads/file/5844/northampton_borough_council_council_tax_reduction_scheme If somebody who is more experienced with reading this jargon could help Id be most appreciative. 1. Can I get help? 2. How Much would I get with £4000 savings? 2. How Much would I get with £9000 savings? (reason I ask is I have about 9000 but looking too buy a reasonable car in the new year). Cheers, R
  4. Which Government organisations are responsible for paying the following to people? For example, if you are on JobSeekers Allowance, this comes from the Department of Work + Pensions... JSA = DWP Council Tax = ? Rent = ? Mortgage (Interest Only) = ? Service Charges (for leased flats) = ? Cheers, R
  5. When you say affecting your benefits ... Would I lose the whole £71 a week? Or is it pro-rata with earnings? Next question - Bearing in mind I am self-employed, I have ongoing costs - Would they look at the amount I /charged/, or the amount I /profited/ from doing the website? R.
  6. Hi all. First time poster, frequent surfer I currently run my own business which is just not happening (I do web/graphics design mainly through PPH and the competition with overseas is crazy). I understand there is some sort of help for people in the UK on low incomes? What, if anything, can I get help with? I live on my own in a privately mortgaged house. Mortgage? Council Tax? Tv License? General Cash? Can I get on Job Seekers as I have limited work - Or would I have to 'stop' all work (not keen on doing this unless I need to to get the other benefits as I dont want to be forced to get a job cleaning toilets)? More after help with the bills so I can plod along with my work as it is and hope it improves. R.
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