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Everything posted by abs2222

  1. abs2222

    Tax and MOT

    I've answered the question myself - I called the DVLA who confirmed that providing the MOT is valid on the date the new tax is due to start there is no problem with waiting till the end of the month - phew
  2. abs2222

    Tax and MOT

    Just curious - my tax is due on 31st Jan, the current MOT expires on 14th February. If I wait till payday(31/1) to renew the tax - will it allow me to do that as the MOT will only have two weeks to run. Something in the back of my mind is telling me that an MOT has to be valid for a month to enable the car to be taxed. If that is the case, I need to tax the car today
  3. ps: I sent everything by Special Next Day Delivery post - signed for and trackable so there was no way they could say the letter was never received
  4. Good Morning unltd My first letter:- You issued me with a parking ticket on 12th November 2013 but I believe it was unfairly issed and I willnot be paying your demand for payment for the following reason:- I have a valid permit and was parked in the resident bay allocated to the above flat. The permit was unfortunately partly obsured by a piece of paper which I can only assume caught the wind when I closed the car, however, it was very evident when looking through the windscreen that there was a permit on display. I look forward to receiving your confirmation that this ticket is cancelled. That letter was sent on 13th November and the response I got was dated 26th November Thank you for your recent correspondence in relation to the above parking charge. We understand your frustration and appreciate the inconvience this has caused you. It is not our intention to cause undue worry and frustration when enforcing our clients parking regulation. We have investigated the appeal based on the information submitted by yourself and can confirm in this instance the the parking charge was correctly issued for the following reason. As per our clients instructions, all vehicles must display a valid permit to park within this area. Unfortunately when your vehicle was photographed no valid permit was being displayed. Your vehicle was left unattended on private property therefore giving you no authorisation to park. There are sufficient signs warning vehicle drives that should they park their vehicle without displaying a valid permit this will result in a parking charge being issued to the vehicle. Please can you send a copy of the valid permit to our appeals department so that we may review this case. The parking charge has been on hold whilst on appeal and may be settle in full at the reduced rate of £54 provided payment is received at the below address within 35 days of the date of this letter. I responded on the 3rd December by copying the above letter from them and attaching a copy of both the valid resident permit and a valid visitor permit with a note on a work compliment slip instructing UKPC that any future correspondence must be sent via the firm of solicitors that I work for. On 11th December I received another letter Dear Sir/Madam Thank you for your recent correspondence in relation to the above Parking Charge. We understand your client's frustration and appreciate the inconvenience this has caused. It is not our intention to cause undue worry and frustration when enforcing our clients parking regulations. We have investigated the appeal based on the information submitted by yourself and can confirm in this instance that the Parking Charge has been cancelled. We strive to deliver a high quality service that enhances the existing quality standards insisted upon by our client and ensure our wardens are stringently trained to meet these expected standards. On behalf of ourselves and our client we apologise for any inconvenience. Basically they misinterpreted the compliment slip with the note as an instruction from me to my solicitor to take up the appeal legally. I in fact work for the solicitor and just wanted the post to come to the work address as the post at home is very erratic. Hope this helps abs2222
  5. Just thought I'd update you. I initially wrote to UKPC telling them, with the help of the writing skills of my solicitor (boss,) that I disputed the ticket. They wrote back to me asking me to provide details of my permits with any other evidence that I believe will assist the case - I sent them a copy of both my residents permit and vistor permit with a copy of the photo I took the morning after the ticket was given showing the permit on display but partially obscured. I didn't write a further letter, I just copied their letter to me and enclosed everything with a compliment slip from the firm of solicitors I work for, advised them that all future correspondence must be directed to the business address. That was sent on 3rd December - today I received a letter, not addressed to me but addressed to the solicitors saying that UKPC have investigaged the appeal and based on all the information submitted they have cancelled the ticket. Wonder if it was the solicitors involvment of the fact that they knew the ticket was wrongly issued in the first place - suppose I'll never know, but it's an early Xmas present for me
  6. Mine is slightly different as I don't own the space, it is allocated as part of my rental agreement and I'm not the registered owner however I'm delighted that someone had the balls to take the company to court and win
  7. Crocdoc, A ticket on the windscreen - they could see through the windscreen that there was a permit it was just not fully visible
  8. That's really interesting DBC - I will mention that to my boss and see if he thinks it's worth persuing but I would think it would take a lot of time and money, both of which I don't have
  9. Thanks for that, I actually work for a solicitor and he has drafted a letter for me basically telling them to go stuff themselves
  10. Good morning, I am new to this forum. I may well be asking for advise where it has already been answered so please forgive me for not searching through all the threads on here. I rent a property which has parking enforced by UKPC. We have permit and vistor bays with permit cards for both. This morning I came down to my car to find that I had been ticketed for parking in my own spot - the reason - 'Parked in a permit space without displaying a valid permit'. The cost of the ticket is £54 rasied to £90 if not paid within 14 days. I did have a valid permit in the car but unfortunately it was partly obsucured by a peice of paper, however, it was very evident when looking through the windscreen that there was a permit on display (i took a picture on my phone) - I need to know if this ticket can be enforced by UKPC. I have read some of the other threads and it would seem that it is not enforceable, but do I need to contact the company in the first instance and ask them to check with the management company/landlord to confirm that I have a valid permit and have a right to park in the space. Any help would be very much appreciated. Regards abs2222
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