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Everything posted by woody75Kelly

  1. Hi thanks again for your reply .... I really don't wish to ... but I know they overcomplicate everything .... and ive had mixed advice regarding this ... but you guys seem to know what your talking about so thanks for that .
  2. Hi there again thanks for advice ... still not yet moved in as was waiting for my 2015-2016 award to come through to finalise it ... so was then going to inform them next month when he does finally move in .... so rang cab for advice too and they seemed to think I would still have to give them my partners details even though we will not be claiming jointly ?? Seems irrelevant? ? I was just not going to fill the joint claim form in and tell them we are ok to manage financially... you would think they would be glad of one less claimant? ? Any advice ??
  3. Thanks for your reply, do I have to declare all his details still to them such as ..name Ni number, salary,ect even if I'm not joint claiming do you think ?? I am Thinking of writing letter and sending recorded delivery to inform them of change but not sure what to put .? As it's going to be early days .. I don't really want to have him registering all his stuff here yet ...I know with regards to council tax I will have to , it's my home mortgaged ... but until we are sure or rather I am 100% sure it's going to work I have asked him to keep his details at his parents where he is for now , its a case of once bitten twice shy I'm afraid ! any advice.
  4. Hi all hoping I can get some advice as I currently receive wtf and ctc as a single person , no other benefits, I would like my partner to move in but he doesn't wish to make a joint claim , we should be able to manage on our two incomes. Can i call to cancel my single claim and say I don't wish to make joint claim as we will be OK financially? Will they still ask for all his details ect .? Or do we have to do joint claim ? Looked around various sites for advice but finding different answers... thanks also if I can just cancel is it best end of tax year april or when start of renewal July? If it matters?
  5. Hi all I'm new found this site and found lots of interesting Advice so wonder if anyone can help, I received a letter from council regarding my council tax, asking me if I'm still the only adult living there, I have two weeks to reply, I work and have mortgage receive no other benefit other than tax credits and single occupant discount which I have done for years but never had one of these before? No other discount or benefit, I did also have the dreaded Mr x letter last year off tax credits as some of ex mail was coming here but sorted that, it also says they will shortly be conducting more detailed investigations ? I am single but ex does come round to see kids pick them up ext worried in case I get a get a home visit as he is there? So I'm having to take kids to his parents for him to see? Or am I just over reacting? Do they do unannounced visits?
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