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Everything posted by Colly46

  1. Nice one ell-en! I think we should put you forward for a knighthood!
  2. Hi Gerry, dont assume the court hearing has been cancelled until you get it in writing, we have just been through this, and they are an unscrupulous bunch of wotsits. My advice would be dont talk with them on the phone, do everything in writing, and even if you do get a letter saying the hearing has been cancelled, just double check on the website. have learnt an awful lot on here, and anything ell-enn tells you to do, do it and you'll be fine!
  3. Hi there, You are in the right place, its usually very quiet here at the weekend,but someone will be along soon. We have just been through a very similar situation ourselves,and the advice on here got us through it, it seems scary but there is lots you can do! Hang in there!
  4. The solicitors made things far worse,and caused a lot of anxiety. I know we are not out of the woods yet, but I have a better understanding of how it all works now! I would like to stick around on here and give some support to people going through the same thing! I am so grateful for all the help and support I have received,I'd like to give something back!
  5. Well, the deed is done! I was fine all morning, rehearsed what I was going to say, we checked ourselves in and the rep from bank of scotland came tottering in,and basically saying we have accepted your payment etc,etc,so no need to bother the judge with any other matters. Our name was called, I walked into the office,and had the biggest panic attack I have ever experienced............ the judge was very helpful and calmed me down. The long and short of it is we dont have to pay £150 per month,the judge agreed to £100 (due to the imminent interest rate rise) so we are pleased with that. He was a little perplexed about my obvious fear, so my husband filled him in on the way the solicitors had been 'bullying' us into paying a higher amount,and saying the house could be repossessed if we dont find the arrears, he wasnt best pleased. I did mention about when the order will be lifted,and he said ' when you have cleared the arrears, we cant keep an order in place, you can apply to have it removed' I was gobsmacked, those tw*ts told us it would hang over us for the whole term of the mortgage............... It goes without saying, if it wasnt for you guys on here, I would have crashed and burned, and anyone going through this dreadful process, I would offer 2 pieces of valuable advice, DO NOT listen to anything the solicitors say to you, get everything in writing and photocopy it............... DO listen to everything Ell-enn tells you to do,and carry it out by the letter, she has saved my sanity,and she will save yours!
  6. Thats fantastic news! We have our day in court on thursday,and I just want it over with! not scared,just numb,and fed up, but in a good way! well done you!x
  7. All written up and ready to take in tomorrow,I filled out their I and E form in the end, but took everything else from the link, wrote it all by hand, but will take proof of our last payment, a wage slip,and a copy of my new work contract in with me on the day, I will also photocopy any correspondence I have had with the bank or solicitors with me too...............have I forgotten anything? Just sit tight now until the 19th!............... just want to say,all of you on here have helped me through this, mainly by treating me as a human being and not a social pariah, and the solicitors arent the monsters under the bed that they were.............. they are bullies, I wish i could thank all of you personally! Ell-enn,words cant explain the good work you do on here, its people like you that make life worth while!
  8. So pleased for you,and that you have had such a positive experience! I'm not coping very well,anxiety is through the roof,and I have a million thoughts going through my head. mainly about our court day,and that we will get a bastard of a judge who will laugh at us, sounds silly I know! Its in 2 weeks time so with the help of ell-enn (really dont know what I'd do without her) I'm preparing my defense letter,so will feel better when I have sent that off, just a waiting game now! sending you peace and calm thoughts!
  9. Well,after reading that comment it just shows what low life's they are! Absolute disgrace!:grouphug:! We are all with you deebs76!
  10. Yes I am, I will write that in at the end along with the advice on your link. I'll hand it all in personally so I know its there,having a bad week, lots of negative thoughts mainly started by someone who was repossessed because they had negative equity, I really shouldnt listen to except you guys!
  11. Hi ell-enn, its the form that came with the 'claim for repossession' not sure what number it is. I basically put that my husbands hours had been cut due to a reduced work load, and that I have managed to increase my hours at work so that should enable us to pay the cmi plus £150 towards the arrears. We have 2 dependent children (one of which has aspergers syndrome) I have proof of our payment last week,and also have wage slips to prove my increase in hours. I want to keep it simple,and not waffle too much, I will also fill in their expenditure sheet,and send it all off.................... Phew!
  12. I have written my statement,and am starting to fill out the form, can i just use their budget thingy? Do I nee to send anything else? we made a payment last week,should I enclose proof of that or take it with me on the court day?
  13. We pay our mortgage straight into the bank,we paid the required amount yesterday,and I notice next month the due date falls on a saturday, the Halifax branch is closed,so do I pay it monday?
  14. I'll hand them in,we dont live that far away, I'm working till thursday so will get everything done friday! Thanks ell-enn!
  15. Thanks ell-enn, I have e-mailed them........... again! still no response. I shall set to the task of filling my defence form and filling in an I and E sheet, would you cast your professional eye over them before I send them off? We are making our first installment on thursday,so will provide proof of that too, I am hopefully getting a copy of my new work contract so will photocopy that..........just to clarify, I send all the above o the courts 10 days before our hearing, and then take copies in on the day? This process is a nightmare for me,I'm dyslexic and have no organizational skills what so ever.................. thank god for you!
  16. We may (and its a big May) be able to get some help paying off the arrears, but want exact figures (I dont trust this bunch) should I mention this to them? (I mean that we may be in a position to pay off the arrears, not that I dont trust them)
  17. Well done you!! I'm so proud, I have been thinking about you all day at work................ keep on truckin mate!
  18. Thats what thought,so I need to get a figure for what we actually owe,do I ask the solicitors or halifax for that? I'm reluctant to talk to the solicitors,they are a bunch of wotsits, they called me late friday evening to clear something (one of their mistakes) up. Thanks ell-enn, I really dont know what i'd do without you!
  19. Am I right in thinking we shouldnt be paying for these,and they can be added onto our mortgage? If we had a chance of paying our arrears off in one lump sum, we would only pay for our payments, not the fee's? Sorry to sound so dumb, having a bad day.Thanks ell-enn!
  20. If I have learnt anything from this forum, its ignore the bullies! Stay strong mate! positive energy following behind HTA! xxx
  21. Just one more question,should I ask to see any arrears they are adding to our account?
  22. Ditto that! deep breaths,and think of all the wonderul advice you have been given,cos that will get you through! let us know how it goes!
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