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Everything posted by mrandmrs

  1. Oh I really hope so!! Ill keep the thread posted in case others find themselves in a similar pickle! And thanks...! Maybe Ill visit them with a cushion up my jumper!
  2. It says 12 month contract and Ive been paying £40 per month. It also says that you can cancel if you have long term illness and can provide evidence, or if you move away, or if your pregnant etc.
  3. The only bank details they have are the ones on the direct debit mandate which is my sort code and account number along with branch details. The gym itself is a small private place and they arent fussed at all its only Harlands that I am concerned about. Im waiting for a response to my initial email which hopefully they will provide me more information on if they will let me cancel or not. Im keeping my fingers and toes crossed. Could use a little luck.
  4. I took out a 12 month gym contract which is being dealt with through Harlands. I have called the gym and they just said 'no worries just give your membership card back and cancel your direct debit with your bank and call Harlands to cancel' but I fear it may be a little more complex than that??! My 12 month contract is until August 2014 but I have since been diagnosed with agoraphobia amongst other mental health conditions so, needless to say I cannot go to the gym. Im awaiting therapy but the wait is currently approx 15 months so my health is not likely to improve any time soon. So, I have emailed Harlands explaining my situation and advising them I can forward a copy of my letter from my Consultant Clinical Psychologist detailing the conditions he has diagnosed me with. My query... What are my chances of them cancelling the membership? Will I end up having to pay loads of money out? (Im not working due to my illness at the moment also so cant afford it either) And, If they tell me to go forth... is there anything else I can do or try to get out of the membership? Any help or advice greatly appreciated.
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