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  1. I checked my MOT on here and it said it was real - does that mean my car IS safe? Did yours have a fake MOT Russ?
  2. Seriously!!!!! Am I breaking any contract or laws by getting in contact with someone? If not, can we all please stop giving me "advice" I don't need! I have already been conned once this month and I don't intend to let it happen again. I just want to pass on contact details so that I can share my experience with reporters or anyone else who is going to help stop this man from messing with people's lives.
  3. I have had the same offer but wholeheartedly disagree with this and anyone that acts in this way has morels as shameful as the guys that has ripped us off. I can't PM you and I don't know your name.
  4. Trading standards have told me I have to write to him. Which I have done, as i'm sure many have. I now have to wait 14 days for him not to respond, spending money and I don't have and losing sleep in the mean time. Thanks Leigh, if that's my only option, I guess i'll have to do it - more money to find.
  5. Wow, I love how we could be arrested so easily but someone who fraudulently runs businesses, lives on other peoples misfortune and sells dangerous cars can't! I feel very uncomfortable writing on this thread - I want to do something and would feel a lot less anxious and stressed about it if I wasn't alone. THIS is why I want to speak to russflyin privately and anyone else that has had to deal with the grief caused after trusting this guy. You don't know who you're talking to on the internet, very true, clearly you don't know who you're talking to in real life either so I'm willing to take my chances with someone who has clearly suffered the same or even worse than me at the hands of this person. I can't even begin to describe how stressful I have found the last week and it is only getting worse. All whilst I am supposed to be calm and relaxed in order to look after my unborn baby. There have been several replies since my first posts and no one has even given me advice on how to find out if my car is even safe?? I'm at a complete loss and finding it very difficult. Talking to someone about this would help, joining forces to do something about it even more so.
  6. Just been stung too. Feeling sick to my stomach that someone could be so callous and then have the nerve to come here and say that HE is losing sleep! I will be following the advice of Trading Standards but I'm feeling pretty sure I will still be out of pocket and in debt. It couldn't be worse time for this with a baby on the way. Is there nothing we can do to stop this guy from trading and get our money back? How can he continue to live off of other people's misfortune? Never been so angry.
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