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  1. Ok if we cannot PM each other then we cannot at this time. that's no problem thanks for pointing out the CAG. im somewhat new this this type of thing.. lagerloutess im so happy that you saw this post.. keep your car and keep away from barbarcars as it may save your life!!. did you call " dave " up and explain that this website was the reason you backed out from the sale?. russflyin
  2. Yes you can PM me.. add me on facebook if you like lol. end of the day I am willing to go that extra mile for this guy.. i got the report today from the MOT station along with the slip... My car is deemed unsafe to be on the road for a number of faults!... now all i goto do is hand this into trading standards along with my phone call recordings and 2 witness statements.. after that ill leave it in there hands. some of the lads round Nuneaton/coventry made a nice offer of going round he's 2 sites with bats, bricks the lot!... all tho i don't agree with this kind of thing i wont go out there and stop them lol i posted up some buyer beware flyers about this guy/site see if i can dig up a list of people this guy has ripped off and put all that information 2gether for watchdog crime stoppers ect. ebay / gumtree / auto trader ect will also a copy. Russ
  3. Don't we have a right to protest?. but you could be right also... i just want something done about it once and for all!... i'm sure if he's selling cars knowing that it could put lives at risk then there must be a law against that??
  4. Email sent... we do need something to happen.. I have contacted 3 news desks. 2 are coming round on Friday to take a statement. I guess thay will dig out there own information about this guy... shall we all meet up outside the yard and keep the customers away with plenty of warnings? maybe afew banners to show the passing public not to enter this site? Russflyin
  5. yes I will be going after him directly now I have he's Home address and name already!. I was very surprised with the amount of information that has been passed to me about him so far.. I will instruct my solicitor in the morning. If I can get a judgement on him I can then enforce a balifts to collect. But I think a legislation may help.?. obtaining property by deception. i.e lie about the mondeo to gain my car. if he knew about this problems but making out everything was fine in order to deceive me.... he clamed it had a inspection? if it had he would of known about the faults..Guilty ( I have the ebay page saved and a screenshot shows what he clamed it was on the advert).. if it didn't have it checked then he is reselling cars not knowing its condition making out thay are in working order.. that in it's self is against the law.... because he has done this many times there is a clear sign that something is wrong. if we don't act someone will end up dead on the side of the road while this jerk is laughing!.
  6. DAM~!! I JUST GOT STUNG BY THIS GUY!!!!!!!!!! NOW HE SAID IF I RING HIM AGAIN HE WILL COME ROUND TO MY HOUSE!!! got a mondeo from him I traded in my 04 Ford Focus. the mondeo is UNSAFE... I have posted a full report on the main form. VOSA and trading standards along with other news desks. This guy needs to be made public and I intend to make that happen!.
  7. Hi All I just made this account to shout out to all that I can about a company in Coventry called (Longford Cars). also uses the name barbar cars and a few others im sure, I took my 04 plate Focus in to trade for a Y Reg Ford Mondeo. Little did I know but the car that was sold to me was not safe for the road WHAT SO EVER!.... First off it runs on 3 cylinders most of the time This alone makes the car impossible to drive!.... the front left strut has gone, all the Doors lock on there own when they want and will not open until it wants to, sometimes takes half a day to unlock... my wife could not get out the car! had to climb over to the drivers seat!!... if we had a crash?????..... Engine light came on the day I got it, Drivers seat is stuck in the fully raised position and will not budge... makes alarming noise from steering rack when turning.. tail pipe blowing.. the list is endless!. I rang the guy (Gurdip Virdi) and he told me to bring the car back for him to look.. so I did last sunday. and he was not there... just a bald guy and a pakistan mechanic who spoke 100 mph I was taken to some dodgy site where he stores he's cars.. I was not allowed to drive myself I was told I had to get in one of there cars?????..anyhow I was taken and shown a MGF a car with rust and a tear in the roof. the intakes had just been welded on with no paint so from the look of that it had water left inside for yrs.... Oh and he couldn't get it to start..lol!!! after that I was made to wait in the rain while he tried to get a old Volvo started.. after 45 - 60 mins of trying and being soaking WET! he got it started and then crashed it into a merc... at this point I could not believe my eyes..!! I was then told to go home and wait... someone will contact me Wednesday but all I got was Nothing!. so called him last night and he said " sorri m8 go back in the morning and he will sort you out ". So I went today and the same 2 guys was on site, looked at my car. took it for a run and agreed it has problems but was then told to " F*ck off and don't come back you brought it sold as seen so its not our problem get lost "....??.. I was upset by this so again I called Gurdip Virdi on he's mobile number he re responded " you piece of Sh*t you are full of crap. you lie and your a waste of time, your a looser and at the bottem end that will never mount to anything If you call again we will TURN UP AT YOUR HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"... there was other words said but I don't rly need to say it all.. Now this is a Warning to anyone who tries to buy a car from this guy.... he is also on ebay as barbarcars Longford cars and other names after looking online.... Wish I would of done this sooner!!!.. I will contact Vosa in the morning and get them check the car over. Trading Standards and other regulators , media ect will be informed.. This guy needs to be Shut down!.
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