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Everything posted by Rachelle123

  1. 10,098 in arrears on a 35k mortgage. It's my parents mortgage, they've had a warrant for possession. They offered Santander 18 days ago a proposal, they look 14 days before they acknowledged it and I went higher. Eventually they turned it down because of constant promises to pay missed payments etc. They've left us with 5 days to find a solicitor 2 of which are the weekend. My dad has been off sick for q considerable amount of time, meaning they only had my mothers state pension coming in. He was tired and signed off tests revealed immune thrombocytopenia. He's still on medication but can go back to work. Myself and my partner have moved in and will be paying £370 towards the mortgage. We have offered £2500 down payment, £750 a month on the arrears and the contractual payment each month. I can prove we can afford this, not only that we should be able to clear the arr are in October from money in their Greek bank account. I've explained this in the application. However the stress has recently caused me to miscarry and I'm terrified. They've already had one cancelled by Eversheds and I'm worried the judge will jus flick it out straight away. My dad has appointments with the haematology department on Tuesday and can't attend my Mother has anxiety disorders and can't either. If I contact the court do you think I could attend as a litigation friend? Also I would like some realistic thoughts on the outcome of this, if it's highly likely he's going to throw my case out 2 days before the actual eviction date id like to know now. I did say on the end of the application if not possible to suspend please allow time to find alternative. We have two children under two living here.
  2. I wonder if anyone can help me, in may 2013 there was an eviction order granted against my parents home, after weeks of giving them many different options they agreed to cancel the eviction date. Unfortunately payments have been missed here and there for various reasons, two weeks ago santander called my mother up and said they wanted to put a new agreement in place, they went through income and expenditure and agreed an amount however the date was brought forward. Later that day via email I complained to Jeanette Coyle, not only over the date change but also some choice customer service my parents had received. I pointed out to her on the 10th payment was due by the 15th and had been pulled forward by 13 days, I also brought up other points not relating to the mortgage. A few days ago I got a reply. On the day the payment was due to be made which I feel like was done on purpose as she has always been less than pleasant, that they were cancelling the agreement even though it had not been defaulted on yet and litigation would continue. I asked four times if this would happen regardless of if the payment was made that day, and she finally said yes. But then proceeded to say that this did not mean automatic repossession and someone would be in touch. And completely ignored by complaint, I feel this was all done out of spite. Someone called today, not really aware of why she had been asked to call and told us that the eviction would happen within 28 days etc. So now we face that again. I have a few questions. I am aware we can fill out an n244 form. My questions are. As they where already granted an eviction date I presume no chance is given to give a defence? My parents are out of the country, can it be filed by anyone else of their behalf? Can anyone else attend on their behalf? Can they ask for it to be dealt with on the phone instead? They're out of the country trying to sell property which will inturn pay the mortgage off in full. They have a date of the 28th for completion touch wood but as its different laws etc and the person buying is very nervous they think they may not complete untilt he last week which is the 12th of september. I orginally tried to get it spread out across the remainder of the mortgage which would be 6 years, they only allowed 2. They are 8000 in arrears and the have 37 left on the mortgage topay, but my mother has just started receiving a state pension of 630 a month which can all go on the arrears. the arrears are no ones fault but their own, but I can prove that my dads earnings are 2800 a month so can definitely afford payments. There is also my child living at the address.
  3. Hi, I contacted eversheds with my suggestion of the higher amount, they went back to santander to ask of any movement was possible who have come back and said no, so pretty sure there isn't any point, what with my mortgage payment being due Monday too and what I have ill be 800 off which they'll need by the 4th so I think my only option is to fin he short fall of 800 by then
  4. Joint, but I am currently unemployed I have work to start in the end of novemeber but obviously cant include my earnings yet because of that but will be making them aware of this
  5. The budget is done but won't allow me to upload here, I have put the arrears as 2800 not 4200 as thats what it will be at once I have paid the amount and sent it off. Incomings 2220 Mortgage 560 Council Tax 110 Buildings/Contents 69 Life insurance joint 87 Water rates 55 Gas 45 Electricity 55 Telephone 20 Food and house keeping 300 Tv licence 25 Travel 50 Petrol 20 Car insurance 70 Total 1467.00 Balance owed 2800 Remaining funds 733 Suggested amount 700 With my offer of 700 and my in comings and out goings it leaves me with 33 left a month. Could you let me know when you have a draft of the letter, I really do appreciate it, I am not burying my head in the sand, I am going to try to get it all, will be 800 short with octobers mortgage payment, and just 1400 of the 2225 they require, which I may possibly be able to get, but I will send the letter you suggest I do in case I can't.
  6. I think looking at it seriously without outing myself in a position that may occur again 700 a month, thank you for helping me, I have contacted them in the last two weeks and they've not responded I spoke to them today on the phone and they claimed they have but in all my time on dealing with them they hardly do, but this is via email
  7. I am aware of this they want 2225 plus Octobers mortgage payment I can pay Octobers paymen plus 1400
  8. I understand this, I just know I won't bring myself to do it, ill have to make paymen and hope they accept my offer
  9. Also been told I need to attend hearing and get an appointment to submit an n244, pretty sure I physically wouldn't go, I am nearing a break down, they want 2225 by October 24th only received the letter today, that's a week, plus my mortgage is due on the 21st so 550 for that then top, I can do my mortgage plus 1000 and the same each month but that's all
  10. I can also pay some now just not hat they're asking for
  11. Ok thank you, do I have to attend the hearing? This in itself Is worrying me so much
  12. Please help have so many questions Received a warrant for repossession which is on the November 4th telling me I need to vacate by then. My arrears are 4200 with santander eversheds. My husband has been out of work, so we have struggled we came to an afreement of 1200 of the arrears plus our normal mortgage amount each month, which we managed twice. We can't afford that as we were both put of work, now both employed we called trod at and offered to pay half by November 11th they understandably said no. They want 2225 by October 24 I know I can put a n244 form in, what I don't know is would this sort it before the evoction date, how much is it, and where do I do it? Obviously so worried. My daughter who is pregnant is currently living with me and I feel beyond useless. I don't want to go for an n244 if its not going to be decided on time
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