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  1. OK so I am sat here waiting for a phone call back from jobcentre+, to cut a long story short, My husband has been moved from incapacity benefit to the dreaded Employment and support allowance benefit, assessed by ATOS and (you guessed it!!) failed massively with a total of.......0 POINTS!!! so we are in the middle of a very long drawn out process of appealing (5 months so far). In this time we have moved address and changed all of these details with relevant departments....or so we thought, all correspondence from the HM courts and tribunal service and all mailings from the Appeals department have been coming to the correct address, but the information from the ESA department itself have been going to the wrong address (correct street just wrong number) and now I am worried as to what information has been sent to these (not so honest as not returning mail) people. The "incompetence/human error" was only picked up during a call to the dept. as we had requested the ESA85 report and had not received it, we were calling to chase it up, advisor said it had been sent out and clarifies address with me, I then advised it was wrong. There are 2 massive problems I have with this:- 1) during the appeal and about 1 week after we had moved, My husband was sent a letter stating that because there was a change of address that we needed to put it into writing and clarify our new address details, which we did. and 2) not 2 months ago the situation was reversed and (being the honest person that I am) I had to phone the jobcentre and advise them that they had sent a letter, addressed to my husband, with his (correct) address on and all his NI number printed on it, but the details in the following 20+ pages were for someone else. I had access to all their personal details, illness details, appeal details and also the decision that they had come to. The JC+ sent some woman out to pick up the 'sorry we sent it in error' letter Is there anything that I can do with regards to the obvious incompetence of this department, or do I just have to accept human error??? Just as an idea that maybe these departments would be run more smoothly if they actually TALKED TO EACH OTHER!!!:mad2:
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