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Everything posted by Sweetpeaa

  1. ****update***** Thanks for replies. Checked bank acct. normally (phone as web maintenance) & a pleasant surprise! Haven’t had any correspondence to fact of any arrears going in!! I checked earlier in the week to see if they had my form, which they did and thought wouldn’t hear owt until the new year.
  2. Didn't think the type of ESA had any relevance to Council Tax Benefit though it is restricted to 80% or so. (therefore most people pay something towards their Council Tax) The Council would assess you on your income with a PA versus Council Tax, less scheme restrictions (like 20%)
  3. I read they are just looking at Arrears/Back-pay for IB © to ESA © transfers, because ESA (IR) was never considered at the time. At the very least, many in the Support Group should have received EDP (£15 or so) along with their ESA © if they were entitled to income based ESA There are other premiums linked to care issues etc. (hence some getting very large arrears!)
  4. When they calculate EDP arrears will they deduct IB to ESA transitional protection received (top-up) ? Does getting EDP give you Free Prescriptions etc.
  5. Some people been sent ESA3 IBR to see if ESA (IR) is due in addition to ESA © Premiums are possible under ESA (IR)
  6. Hello dx100uk Thanks for link.
  7. Hello Received one of these ESA3 IBR forms! Have many others received theirs + what's their turn-around time to a decision / payment? Appears, I might be due some arrears as I went straight from IB to ESA © Support Group, without anybody considering ESA (IR) though my HB has the EDP mystery premium included within my P.A. Currently my Prescriptions etc. are considered yearly via HC1 (HC2 cert.) An extra payment would be welcome as it's not easy getting by these days with daily living costs. Regards.
  8. ****UPDATE**** All cleared now. ESA proper (with component) back in payment Thanks for replies
  9. ****UPDATE**** All cleared now. ESA proper (with component) back in payment Thanks for replies
  10. Thanks for replies (RaeUK p3t3r tommy456) My GP practice wants to see patients first and won't issue a fit-note until the current one expires. If only DWP inputted my Tribunal decision I wouldn't be in this position.
  11. Hi antone My worry is DD's will bounce with associated costs and no ££ to live either. (shame am put in this predicament) What am I suppose to do, surely there is a limit to these things? (where's the care?)
  12. HI unclebulgaria67 DWP just say I still have to submit them until HMCTS decision is input. (no help in short-circuiting the fit note process) Nystagmite Reception wants an appointment to be booked with Doctor (but can only book so many future days ahead and if booked-up can't book far ahead either) estellyn My worry is DWP says to wait NINE working days after sending in a fit note in-order to make an enquiry. Can't be sure what phone monkey says these days.
  13. Hello I have a fit note expiring soon and an ESA payment due a few days afterwards. I'm going to be caught on the hop as: (a) problematic getting a GP appointment around the right time (b) getting it to DWP quickly and actioned in time for my next payment. © worried claim might get closed if fit note gets misplaced! Meanwhile my positive tribunal decision is caught-up in an uncertain back-log.
  14. Thanks for reply... If they just could say if we go past a certain point we would escalate it, rather than leaving it to run on and on. I'm trying to be patient. (not easy given the circumstances to date)
  15. HI estellyn Advice centre sent it to them way back (before I posted on here) They won't get anybody to ring me back, just saying I have to wait my turn.
  16. Hi SS I've since chased-up DWP and there's a total lack of sincerity - they're not willing to do anything despite the anguish caused by lengthy waits. Am not really reassured by their arbitrary timescales.
  17. Brilliant result, just wish it was like that in all cases!!!
  18. Hi Lapsed Workaholic Going through MR / Pre-Tribunal was a nightmare in itself ! (lengthy paperwork merry-go-round, slow call-back and differing responses) My decision notice (notes) says that the Tribunal has no legal powers to enforce its decision and will not assist to compel payment I just wish they acted as swiftly like they did after my WCA
  19. Hi We've been told I have to wait until whenever they get round to it.
  20. Hello A month ago I posted news about being successful BUT am still waiting for DWP to action!!!! Is there a time-limit for DWP to put this decision through and pay arrears?? (they clear a WCA decision speedily but not a reversal) Even intervention from an advice centre hasn't moved things along. Like DWP don't care and fob off.
  21. Thanks for all the replies: fletch70 - your experience etc. reallymadwoman - detailed answers + pip criteria capquest worst knightmare - Good to hear your arrears were paid quickly Nystagmite - your pip / appeal answers
  22. Hello Finally & T.G., I won my ESA appeal. Please can I ask a few questions? (1) How long (roughly) will DWP take to pay arrears? (2) How will HB / CTB treat my case? (i.e. will an overpayment of HB/CTB be created whilst on Assessment Rate?) (3) Does DWP ever appeal the HMCTS appeal decision? (4) Do DWP take notice of any reassessment recommendations? (5) I have been advised by a few advisers to claim DLA / PIP but am stressed enough with claiming ESA. Is there any correlation between ESA and PIP decisions? Thanks (thanks for answering previous HB etc. questions)
  23. ***update*** Thanks for all replies Seems like they have overlapped IB and ESA payment periods thus creating an overpayment as my income appeared more with both together. (Overpayment scrubbed) (Awaiting yet another decision notice to finalise) Regards
  24. Hi mikeymack2002 id6052 Thanks Will come back should it not settle down / get rectified after contacting them.
  25. Hi id6052 They didn't originally generate an o/p for the period beyond IB ceasing. They seem to backtrack on the original HB award by creating a few days o/p.
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