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  1. because, out of the numerous times that other people have been caught with their phones on the unit, there has never been any action taken against them, and yet my first time offence, they have pulled me in for a disciplinary, and i know for a fact they dont like me purely cause they feel i am after their job
  2. I have a discplinary hearing tomorrow and i need some advice as i believe i have been targetted and singled out to be made a example of for the rest of the unit and they aim on dismissing me. i work in a call centre, i was caught with my phone on the unit, which is a big no no, which i accept, and they have issued a letter for a disciplanry hearing. Now, i believe i am being target and my reasoning behind this is.. numerous people within the unit have been previously been caught with mobile phones out on the unit and all they have had is a slap on the wrist, not even a written warning. 1 guy was caught on his phone by the operations managers' manager, he nothing happened to him, a girl was caught twice in 1 day by the same team leader on both instances, and she never get repremanded for anything, another guy, openly showed agents. managers and team leaders pictures on his phone and facebook of girls, and to top all this off, 1 guy, who next to the person who is doing my disciplinary hearing, OPENLY, uses his phone while she is sat next to him, not even trying to hide it and he has never been "caught" so clearly in my eyes this guy believes even if this manager sees him using the phone, nothing will be done, YET, with me, this is my first infraction, i am a model employee, i have the best sales stats, top 5 in the call stats, never been told off, nothing, and yet ive been pulled in for basically a dismissal, am i being paranoid or does this sound like im being targetted to be used to set a example for the unit by them dismissing me?
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