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  1. Well that's pretty annoying. Never mind, onwards and upwards! I have paid the £4 at TrustOnline to see the CCJ, so I know it is there and it's with Northampton Court - I have to send them a letter? Is there a template for this? Also regarding proof, knowing my ex, she will be, let's say, less than forthcoming regarding repayment (she has twice tried to get me to pay her more monthly installments by claiming she hasn't received some, even after she had confirmed via text and via my bank she had).
  2. Cheers, although it is a little late - I thought they were there to help - I must admit I feel both stupid and conned. County Court Settlement?
  3. The written agreement I think was the form I signed saying I owed £1500 instead of £5000 - which I was told was for mediation purposes. I cleared the debt back in 2012 but my main focus is getting the CCJ cleared. I checked online and I do have one albeit my DoB is stated incorrectly... Also I should have been more clear, this was back in 2010.
  4. Good afternoon guys, I have a strange situation I am in and wanted to get as much advice as possible as to what I can do or what my options are. I was in a long term relationship with a girl, throughout it we were both in and out of work, to be fair me more so than her. She moved in with me and lived with me for the best part of two years. Basically I ended up borrowing some money from her to the tune of around £1500. We go through a messy breakup and she wants her money back. That's fine so I start paying her on a monthly basis but what with losing my job, racking up debts I sometimes had to skip paying her to be able to pay my rent. as I mentioned we didn't end on the best of terms and she would continually threaten me with court action. one day I get a letter and she has filed a claim through the small claims court for £5k! I obviously refute this seeing as her breakdown included things like dominos pizza £30 (failing to make the point that she actually ate half of it, or broadband which was my direct debit etc) in other words making it up to pad out the figures. I call up the number provided and spoke to a lady who told me that mediation is the best bet for our case due to the facts the courts don't like trying to settle domestic disputes through county court judgement. she sends me a form to fill in on what I think the right amount is and then to await a call for a meeting together with a mediator to settle the case. I fill in the form for the £1500 and send it back. What happens next shocked me. I then receive a letter through saying that I now have a CCJ against my name for £1500 and that I will have to start paying her immediately. No mediation, no discussion, nothing. It turns out that because I agreed, I got lumped with a CCJ and she gets the last laugh so to speak. That was three years ago and I am looking for a way to get this settled and turned into a CCS. Any ideas? Cheers in advance.
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