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Everything posted by Frankfist

  1. Don't know if this was resolved but they have six months to prosecute you for civil offences, after that they have no power over you. You can not be arrested for a civil offence, no magistrate working under their oath can sign a warrant for your arrest over a civil matter. Ask to see the warrant, in most cases the signature is a illegible scrawl and there will be no name under it stating who signed the warrant, there for it is not a legal document and you have the right to ask who signed the document. A police officer can not arrest you for a civil offence. They can ask you for your details but you don't have to give them either if you have not committed any criminal offence. A police officer a judge or a magistrate under oath are there to enforce criminal laws and keep the peace, the local council and enforcement officers are there for civil but they don't have any arrest powers unless your breaking a criminal law. Hope this helps.
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