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  1. hi, could you advise me, the goods i was accused of taking, were taken from me at the till, i was asked if i wanted them at the till and i said i did not realise they were in the box and therefore i did not want them, as i was walking to the exit, i was stopped by secuirity and they said i had concealed the items in the box and INTENDED to take them, but i had not gone past the till with the items and denied i was going to steal them, i said, when the lady at the till asked can i look in the box, i said go ahead, i could of easily just of said, hang on, i want to change the items and taken them back, anyhow the cctv, does not show me putting the items in the box, but they said it looked like i had, the police were called, they all asked me to sign the RLP form, i refused and did not take it with me, when they let me go, wetre do i stand
  2. thankyou everyone for your advice, it has calmed me down a lot, you can imagine it,s worrying, will let you all know how things pan out, thankyou!!
  3. hi, thanks for the reply, only happened yesterday, so will wait to see if i get any letters, the police tried to encourage me to fill the civil liabilities form in for quite a while, but as i was insistent, i would not! they gave my details to the security to fill in there form, maybe there is something in that, they wanted me to fill the form in, i'm guessing that would be an admittance of guilt and therefore liability, if i ignore any letters, could it make things worse, bailiffs etc, as i say, will let you know about any letters recieved, thanks again!!!
  4. without going into the full story i was accused of shoplifting at b and q, which i denied, the video evidence did not show me shoplifting, but they said they had enough evidence i was asked to fill in a civil liabilties form, to which i refused, the police were called, they asked me to do the same, i again refused, i gave the police my details and said i do not want you to give them to the staff, but eventually they did, and the staff filled the civi liabilities form with my details, and tried to give me the form, which i had not signed, but i did not take the form, they then said i could leave, so i left without the form. they said it would not make any difference, they would still claim against me, i took no items from the store and the items they accused me of taking, i left there, where do i stand, will i still have pay the liabilities, apparently for staff time etc, any help, thanks
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