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Everything posted by Lissadenton

  1. Do you have to be a member to do a Facebook search? I'm not sure. Have you a link for the sheriff of York story please?
  2. Do you know the FB page say no to lendal bridge close Lots of info on there I got an alert when you posted as unfortunately there. Hasn't been much traffic on this site, loads on Facebook site though
  3. Yorkcouncil are now sending bully boy letters out for unpaid fines. If you dont pay they'll let the dogs out ie the bailiffs. Anyone got any ideas on what to do? It's not like lendal bridge isn't an illegal bus land or anything like that. There was a council meeting last night whereby council were warned not to spend the fine money in case thy have to give it back £700'oo btw.
  4. Lots of info and pictures on Facebook say no to lendal bridgeclose. We appealed and appeal was upheld. Thanks for heads up on Livingston. Going there shortly.
  5. Good, glad you are appealing.Trot along to the Facebook say no to lendal bridge close if you need more info. Can't believe it's taken more than 3 months to notify you. Maybe check that they are not timed out!
  6. Someone has posted it on Facebook say no to lendal bridge close Thanks
  7. You need Togo to Facebook say no to lendal bridge close ...page. It's all on there. Can you post link to Oxford case please. I've heard of Colchester one but not that one
  8. Hi Ian...hope you've got sorted with Facebook now. Does anyone local to York know how many times the words Bus Lane are written on the road/ bridge and exactly where the positions are. This request comes from someone in Hampshire who is prepared to go to court over this.
  9. Still appeal. It's not properly marked as a bus lane which is illegal. Read the Facebook pages .
  10. Excellent. Thanks for that. You ought to team up with Denis emery on there , stop lendal bridge close, he is also a former traffic police officer. I'm waiting for a barrister to get caught who will bang the council into court. I cannot understand how this council can get away with something isnot legal. Isn't that why they people huge salaries to check this stuff out? How can they legally sit back and watch the money roll in when they know they are operating a huge [problem]. Once they paid back one person the money or waived the first appeal ....that should be it....game over. I'm a pretty logical person so to me anything else doesn't make sense!
  11. Excellent . Thank you. That is such a good idea as too many people have been caught driving from Bootham to the railway museum . Have you seen the Facebook pages yet?
  12. Definitely.£800 is an awful lot of money to spend in the city. If I was a York trader I would be weeping all over my figgy pudding and mulled wine if I thought you weren't coming back! These stupid people in the council.
  13. So sorry to hear that. Such a shocker! I think you need to send your letter to the local paper also. Just let the people know how much trade they are losing. It's called the York press. The more people wo write in the better. There is also another Facebook page called stop lendal bridge con started by Danny banner. He might be able to help with some up to date pictures since the council changed the signs slightly . My knowledge only goes up to the beginning of dec. that's why it's important to join the Facebook pages as they is more up to date information on there . Good luck,
  14. Can you do the Facebook page i suggested. There's also a lot more people on hand to help
  15. .the new restriction is being trialled and started August bank holiday weekend. Because of the fiasco with the signs and the publicity in York press with people appealing, the council changed the signage slightly I believe around the beg of dec. As yours happened on nov 21 you have an excellent chance of appealing and winning .. You need to go to facebooks say no to lendal bridge close. There's loads of info on there. Look in photos and acquaint yourself with the signs that were in place on your visit. Look for chris counters post he's printed why it is an illegal bus lane and one or two have printed appeal letters. If you pay or have already done so...it's still worth fighting it. Also look out for links to the epetition , please sign and share it. It's only at 450 and it needs to get to 100,000 We will do it, once people know about it And when you have your money back, please help others. Do go after your lease company also
  16. A very excellent and concise letter Shaun. If you don't mind I'm going to copy it to say no to lendal bridge close and stop lendal bridge con both on Facebook. Thank you so much for that and I am delighted that you had the fines that you shouldn't have got in the first place...waived!
  17. York press have an article on people getting their lendal bridge PCN s waived. Hardly a flood http://www.yorkpress.co.uk/news/10866583.Lendal_Bridge_and_Coppergate_fines_waived/ But my advice is even if you've paid it's still worth getting in your appeal
  18. Yes there's been quite a few people who have had their fines waived All on facebooks say no to lendal bridge close and stop lendal bridge con Get your claims in folks And sign that petition!!!
  19. There's 3 of us that I know of lendAl bridge close page. £30 becomes £60 if you're appeal isn't upheld. However it goes to an independent adjudicator in wilmslow and if they are changing the signage what have you got to lose. I believe in life if you don't stand for something you end up stranding for nothing. It's a bully boy tactic to charge double if you lose your appeal and they might just be relying on scaring people off with that.
  20. That's what I've said. Everyone caught before the signs change , get your claims in. Even if you've paid. I understand they may even be accepting those that have already paid!
  21. I wouldn't have thought so. Not having the blue badge was the reason we had to look elsewhere for a parking spot. No, York council did not even contest it and we got a standard letter same as other people who were successful. If you go to stop lendal bridge con on Facebook , a chap called Greg Dawson has done a brilliant video of him driving from gillygate, into st Leonard's place, showing bus blocking the sign at theatre royal , then turning right into museum st and ....yes he even went over the bridge. I suspect he did that before it closes for the day at 10-30 or after 5. It's a big help though to everyone coming from that direction.
  22. No problem. Here it is. Mind you I waffle on a bit. Other half says I wear them down eventually! On Sept 8th 2013 we visited York as tourists. *My fiancé is a blue badge holder but as we arrived in York we realised that we did not have it in the car it had been left in her car at home 60 miles away. Normally we park in the pedestrian zone outside McDonald's in Blake St. We realised we were unable to do that so as she uses a wheelchair we needed to be pretty close to the central area. We approached the traffic lights in St Leonard's Place where you can turn straight ahead to Blake St, which with no badge we couldn't do or turn left *to the minster where there is no through road and as we were unsure of the disabled parking there we turned right as that appeared to be our only way forward. There was no sign on these traffic lights to advise us that we should not do this Having no idea where there was any disabled parking at this point we turned right and headed down towards what we now understand is called Lendal Bridge. Seeing no parking in that area and now no where to avoid the bridge we crossed over it, got over the other side and did a loop to the right and back over the bridge. There was plenty of traffic in the area at the time, plenty of private cars crossing the bridge so we were not alerted to any problems and came back over the bridge and finally parked in an area near the BBC studios and paid for a parking space there. At no time were we aware that we had committed any offence. It was a huge shock, however when several days later we received a PCN for going over Lendal bridge. Not being from York and an hour and a half's drive away made it incredibly difficult to retrace our steps to find out where we had gone wrong. We were totally oblivious to the name Lendal Bridge . It meant nothing to us as we were at the point totally unaware where it was. By doing some research on the Internet we found that we were not an isolated case and that thousands of motorists have made the similar mistake as ourselves because like us they had not seen the signs and also like us did not have a clue as to what or where Lendal Bridge was. So we sent off our appeal as we felt York Council had acted rather harshly to what was in effect a mistake. We had neither been driving dangerously or speeding. In fact quite the opposite as with York being so busy that day we had been driving very cautiously on account of their being lots of pedestrians on the pavement and roads. Our appeal was turned down and so on Sunday Oct 27th we retraced our steps by driving the exact same route as we did before, which was down from A19 Thirsk , through Clifton, Bootham and into the centre.. My fiancé also took photographs of the signage...those that could be seen that is . One of the main ones just before you make the fateful error and turn right at the junction we now know as St Leonard's Place had the sign totally concealed by a parked double decker tour bus. At the traffic lights there is no signage at all and once you have made the right turn, you have no escape at all as the only road before the bridge is to the left and is the outlet for a one way street. You either do a very dangerous three point turn in front of oncoming *traffic from the bridge and pedestrians crossing in front of museum gardens who don't really expect cars to be doing three point turns at that point or for the sake of safety for everyone concerned you go over the bridge. We parked the car in Blake St as we had the disabled badge and I pushed my fiancé to the start of the bridge and where we photographed and videoed *several cars who were in the process of making the same mistake as we did. We counted 15 in less than 10 minutes. In fact one poor driver realising her mistake slowed down but then seeing she had no escape at all went over the bridge. It was her only option by then as she did not have the manoeuvrability on account of all the pedestrians to do a three point turn. So, on the basis that visitors to York find the signs misleading because they do not know where Lendal Bridge is and when they arrive at the bridge and see traffic going over it, they then think it has been re-opened and then there is no escape route once you have turned right at the traffic lights at St Leonards Place I would like to re- appeal . I am sure if we were local that mistake would not have happened but I do think there is a call for better signage . In fact when crossing the bridge from the other side it is no better. According to the map issued to us from the council when travelling along Station Road and turning right onto the A1036 and just before the approach to the bridge you are then in a one way system and by then the bus lane sign is too late because there is nowhere for you to go to escape crossing over the bridge again. The bus lane signs are only visible *when you turn into Station Avenue the A1036 , and then it's too late you are heading for the bridge. In fact on this map that the council sent to us there are two photographs at the bottom of the page and neither show a bus lane sign, yet I have been issued with a PCN ...a bus lane penalty notice. To say I am confused is an understatement, as the only signs encountered from the north are to say that the bridge is closed, which it patently wasn't as we saw plenty of local traffic using it. I was looking for a road/ bridge being closed off completely and as there wasn't I believed by following the traffic it was safe to proceed.
  23. Right. When you come up at gillygate there's a sign alongside you on the crash barriers . It's a small yellow aa sign. I don't think you would see it as it would be alongside of you.. Opposite you at those traffic lights there's a shop called Evie browns tearooms and on the traffic light is another yellow aa sign saying lendal bridge closed with the hours that it's closed underneath. Naturally you are a tourist and don't know where lendal bridge is. You want to go into the centre so you turn left past the Theatre Royal in st Leonard's place. The next sign is on the bus stop/ lamp post. If there's a double decker tour bus parked alongside it you won't see this sign either. If you go along to the Facebook page photos you will see exactly what I mean. The logical place for another sign is the traffic lights at st Leonard's place. Look at my photo because there isn't a sign and you are too late a yeah because your last chance of exit was gillygate that you've just driven out of. At those traffic lights there's a no through road to the minster, opposite is a pedestrian street so you can't go there, so you turn right. And it's straight onto the bridge. Kerching! If by a quirk of fate you spot the sign just a few metres before the bridge you may be lucky to do a three point turn . It's very busy here. You have buses and taxis coming over the bridge and cars.....of course and you have pedestrians crossing from museum gardens. So rather than mow them down people are crossing the bridge. The legend /writing on the road does not say bus lane . It says restricted access. This should help you so far of the way, but you need to see the photos! Let me know if you need more help
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