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  1. Since I sent the one lined letter I have heard nothing from DWF or anyone else. Could this be the end of it or am I likely to hear from someone?
  2. Ok I will stay off phone and not answer her if she rings again. She Should receive my letter in next couple of days. Surely this whole process will be costing them more than they're even asking for.
  3. I was told I could have a solicitor but told them I couldn't afford one, then was taken straight to interview.
  4. Yeah it was the woman at DWF. She rang me Wednesday and I said I accept no liability and any correspondance should be by letter. So I'm guessing that is why she sent this. She did actually say on the phone that she works for a law company and couldn't take my payment details, thats when I said I accept no liability and not paying anyway.
  5. Received another letter today "i refer to crime reference number #### given as you attemped to steal clothing games and dvds from sainsburys on 9th Sept. The sum of £50 is required on or before 14 October, 14 November and 14 December. In the event of non payment further action will be taken against you" Will I ignore it? I posted a letter last night with the one liner. Getting worried I will end up in court or something
  6. I have received another letter today saying I still have not contacted them, despite talking wity the woman named on letter, by phone. I have sent back a letter: Dear sirs (this is how she addressed me!) Any liability to you or any third party is denied. No losses were encountered, all goods intact and in possession of your client. No further correspondance will be entered into, should you continue to communicate with me, i reserve the right to take legal action for harassment. Is this ok? I just copied from another thread
  7. I was advised to just go in and admit the crime as I accept I did head to the doors of the shop with goods in my trolley, apparently my mental state at the time is irrelevant as if I was compus mentus (however ya spell it) enough to head for fresh air, I should have been aware enough to know I had goods in trolley apparently. But in all honesty all I could think was to get Out of the store before I collapsed, which inevitably happened anyway. I admitted going to the doors I had to accept the caution, and to be honest I just wanted it over and done with aswell. because I accepted what I did I'm frightened this means I now have to pay the £150 which I don't have and I'm only living on ESA.
  8. What is a dca? But just keep ignoring them yeah? I have already been dealt with by police so don't want them getting involved again and ending up with more than a caution. As already stated I suffer with bad depression and anxiety and its making me worse. Had an appointment with a psychologist this morning after all this has happened. Is this something I should mention to them or would that make me an easy target?
  9. They are only on £8 an hour, my stepdad uses to work for the same security company. I'm justnnervous as to what to do after she got quite offensive and angry on the phone. Can I refuse to talk over the phone and have everything in writing or won't that make it worse n look like im not wanting to talk on phone incase I incriminate Myself further?
  10. Hi, hoping someone can help me. 2 weeks ago I was taken unwell in a sainsburys. I suffer from fibromyalgia, severe depression and anxiety, and often have episodes where I collapse and become drained of all energy to the point I cannot even speak. I felt an episode coming on in my local sainsburys so proceded to head for the doors to get some fresh air. At the time did not even think about the fact I had goods in the trolley I was using to lean on to walk. I didn't even get outside the store and was stopped by security who dis not believe I was unwell even though the sweat was pouring from me and I was dazed and confused. They took me to a tiny room that could only be described as a broom cupboard, which only made me worse as I am also claustrophobic. I do not remember much from this point. I know police arrived at some point and the staff member saying I was on drugs, (absolutely not the case) then all I remember is being in an ambulance after having collapsed. I went to police station upon my release from hospital and admitted I should have been thinking but that it was a genuine mistake and recieved a caution. Was told that was the end of the matter. Two days later I then received a letter from DWF acting on behalf of sainsburys requesting £150 in costs as follows: Value of goods stolen £0.00 Value of goods damaged £0.00 Value of cash stolen £0.00 Security costs £150.00 We require payment within the next 7 days to avoid further action I immediately telephoned the number given and was taken straight to voicemail, stating that the lady is in the office but unable to take call, left a message with contact details, ref number etc and heard nothing. Rang back next day and voicemail stated she was out of office for 5 days. Left another message and again heard nothing. Now i thought stuff them, they can contact me, left 2 messages ans calls are logged on my phone as proof. Today i recieved a letter saying that i failed to contact them and should pay within 7 days. I rang, again voicemail, left another message and finally recieved a call back. Said I wish to have a breakdown of these 'security costs' in writing. She proceded to very quickly give a list of examples, again said I want it in writing, to which her reply was well I have just told you what they are, it is irrelevant as u stole, told her she has not been told the situation so not to presume I was dishonest. At which point I got 'cut off' and heard nothing more. What do I do? Do I have to pay these ridiculous costs for a genuine mistake?
  11. Hi, hoping someone can help me. 2 weeks ago I was taken unwell in a sainsburys. I suffer from fibromyalgia, severe depression and anxiety, and often have episodes where I collapse and become drained of all energy to the point I cannot even speak. I felt an episode coming on in my local sainsburys so proceded to head for the doors to get some fresh air. At the time did not even think about the fact I had goods in the trolley I was using to lean on to walk. I didn't even get outside the store and was stopped by security who dis not believe I was unwell even though the sweat was pouring from me and I was dazed and confused. They took me to a tiny room that could only be described as a broom cupboard, which only made me worse as I am also claustrophobic. I do not remember much from this point. I know police arrived at some point and the staff member saying I was on drugs, (absolutely not the case) then all I remember is being in an ambulance after having collapsed. I went to police station upon my release from hospital and admitted I should have been thinking but that it was a genuine mistake and recieved a caution. Was told that was the end of the matter. Two days later I then received a letter from DWF acting on behalf of sainsburys requesting £150 in costs as follows: Value of goods stolen £0.00 Value of goods damaged £0.00 Value of cash stolen £0.00 Security costs £150.00 We require payment within the next 7 days to avoid further action I immediately telephoned the number given and was taken straight to voicemail, stating that the lady is in the office but unable to take call, left a message with contact details, ref number etc and heard nothing. Rang back next day and voicemail stated she was out of office for 5 days. Left another message and again heard nothing. Now i thought stuff them, they can contact me, left 2 messages ans calls are logged on my phone as proof. today i recieved a letter saying that i failed to contact them and should pay within 7 days. I rang, again voicemail, left another message and finally recieved a call back. Said I wish to have a breakdown of these 'security costs' in writing. She proceded to very quickly give a list of examples, again said I want it in writing, to which her reply was well I have just told you what they are, it is irrelevant as u stole, told her she has not been told the situation so not to presume I was dishonest. At which point I got 'cut off' and heard nothing more. What do I do? Do I have to pay these ridiculous costs for a genuine mistake?
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