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  1. Over a year ago I renewed my contract with vodafone, a loyal vodafone customer. Then just over a month later I moved home just a couple of miles away ... Since the move I have had over a year worth of no signal around where I live! I have no signal in the house or outside my house, no improvement with a signal booster, delayed voicemail messages, internet problems, not been able to send texts, and delayed texts from other senders. Numerous calls to vodafone and following the advice each time has left me no better off, and out of pocket to boot!... I'll take it from last september when it all started... I had problems with signal could not receive it in my home or outside my home, so told to buy a signal booster. Signal booster not improving things, so change settings etc on phone. Also have new sim at one point. This doesnt work, so try sending off handset, I received phone back after complaining why it took so long- issues with handset hdmi noticed but told this is a fault caused by being in a pocket (another issue- so mobile phone should not be carried out in pocket and therefore not mobile at all!) but phone handset not an issue. Next I try changing my internet provider to improve internet... no difference at all, so complain again. Told my signal booster may be faulty, so send this off. After complaining where it has got to, I receive another one (refurbed not new) and this also doesnt work. Told to give new IP some details, no idea what that was about and still doesnt improve. Again call and ask for manager. Told no one is available and I will get a call back. No call back- probably due to the fact I have no signal!!! Again call and ask for manager. Told no one is available and I will get a call back. No call back- probably due to the fact I have no signal!!! Again call and ask for manager. Told no one is available and I will get a call back. No call back- probably due to the fact I have no signal!!! After this has happened a few times, I call back, call gets disconnected... You get the idea...I call from a landline and get through to a manager who tells me the best thing to do it write and complain, and given details... that was two weeks ago and after all the stress of the past year is more that I can take. I demanded in that letter that I wanted my contract terminated immediately and I wanted some money refunded for lack of service that I have paid for and not received. I have not received a reply yet... should have by now, so really fed up. What should I do if I don't get an answer or my written request granted? Thanks for listening, I hope that this will get resolved soon, and I see this is a common problem with vodafone!
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