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  1. I see, it's that kind of forum. Oh well, I'll watch what happens in the OP's case and deal with mine as I will. I guess we'll see who gets it resolved.
  2. Hi, I don't want to hijack you're thread, but MMF recently started sending me emails claiming that I owe 'Cheque Centre Ltd' £102.78 I know I don't have any debt; I've never had a credit card, overdraft or store credit. I've certainly never had a payday loan. I'm approaching this in a slightly different manner. Are you aware that as a MAN or a WOMAN; only the common law applies to you? Have you ever noticed that you will always be addressed with a title in formal communication? This is because a title (Mr, Mrs) is a legal status and represents a PERSON. Statutes and acts of parliament are only applicable to a PERSON. If you do not agree to represent the PERSON, there is nothing they can do. However, providing your name or address enters you into a contract with other party and you then represent that PERSON. By the way; this is all sound legal advice, have a read of Blacks Law Dictionary if you doubt me. Anyway; while I'm not accepting to represent the person they're looking for, who can I complain to for fraud by this company? Thanks Chris
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