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  1. Email sent! I will patiently await his response. Had an interesting conversation with SP earlier, when I gave her this account number she informed me that the account was clear.. .hmmm that's quite interesting as I haven't made the payment. She then looked into it more and said, no actually the £28.41 has been cleared off..she tried to contact the debt agency but they were not answering the phone. The very nice lady said she would have to look into this and call me back tomorrow, she also said that she doesn't think that I should have an outstanding balance as I was using a pre-payment meter which is pay as you go. Fingers crossed someone from sp will decide to be nice to me...I'm not optimistic but a girl can hope
  2. Thanks Silverfox, Great advice..will type something up now as I didn't get the chance today (my boss doesn't seem to understand the term lunch break!) Will let you know if/when I get a response x
  3. Hi Silverfox and dx, Thank you very much for your reply. I will draft an email at lunchtime today, that way I can ask my colleagues to proof read it. .my written English is not the best Should I email Keith straight away or wait and see if the rep pops in? Louise x
  4. Hi all, I was wondering if I could get some advice. I have been with Scottish Power for about six years now, I have never had any problems with them..until last week!! I checked my credit file (as my bank offer it free of charge ) and was shocked to find a default registered in May 2012! This was for the huge sum of £28.41. I was more flabbergasted than anything else as only the week before I had received a statement from SP showing I was £26 in credit! I immediately wrote an email to the complaints department asking for a copy of the default notification, I asked for an explanation to as to how I received this default when I have been a customer for 6 years and I asked them if I made payment straight away could they remove the default. Well the post arrived yesterday, shock horror they won't remove it. In their letter it states that I changed suppliers in in December 2011, this is partly true, my silly OH stupidly allowed the door salesman to change our supplier...needless to say I was furious when I arrived home and I decided that we were not changing suppliers and I continued to use my SP prepayment cards. But, here is the big but, in the letter SP attached a copy of my Final bill dated 13 December 2011, the bill says total due £28.41. (My confession) I ignored this letter, not because I did not want to pay but because I assumed that because I was not leaving SP that the outstanding bill would roll over to the next period as it usually does. I never heard nothing else from them regarding this matter so I just assumed everything was fine. They also included a copy of the 'your name has been registered with credit reference agencies' letter, which I would like to add, I do not recall receiving this, yet it is dated 01/05/2013. So my question is where do I go from here? I accept all responsibility for putting the final bill to one side, I hold my hands up and say yes this debt is mine which I will gladly pay, it's not as if I cannot afford to pay it..but is there anyway that I can do to persuade SP to remove the default? This has already affected my student finance application I don't want a default hanging over me for the next 5 years. Or do I just have to accept that I made a careless mistake and live with it? Well I suppose I should go and find a new supplier...
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