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  1. thanks i am currently in the process of going through all the statements i have i have also been advised to request something from them but can't remember what it was but apparently it is the same as my statements and so far we have got to 15k for charges and costs added and thats without the added interest to the arrears which goes up monthly and according to the fsa they are charging an unfair amount of interest i think once i have settled what little arrears i have left i will attempt to take them for all i can get out of them then switch mortgage provider
  2. first of all thanks for the reply yeah i got charges for my charges i think the last time when they took me to court the arrears were only 1815.00 which is only 3 months mortgage when i spoke to them they wanted 4100 .00 when we actually went to court they had gone up again to 5680.00 so pretty sure there some charges in there as far as insurance goes i didn't have any on the mortgage that is was aware of until the other day when i got a letter through the post telling me my ppi insurer has changed due to a buy out i am currently waiting a reponse from them as to who the policy is for as i took this mortgage out through a financial adviser
  3. hello i have just joined today but have been reading your site for sometime now i unfortunately have fallen into arrears twice with ge money the first time was due to redundancy and after requests for help they offered nothing but i managed to get that one sorted by paying £1000.00 per month as they requested to wipe out the interest i had been charged and then after 6 months of not missing any payments they asked me if i wanted to add the remaining to my mortgage along with more interest and that would be cleared how wrong was i to believe them .. because 2 years ago i had a very serious accident which resulted me have to take time away from work after telling them this they waited 3 months which is only £1800 in arrears before applying to the courts acting on the previous order .. i made contact with them and was told i owed them £5300 in total and that they would not accept any offer and that they were taking the house leaving me and my family of 3 small children homeless . . i possessed this in court and the judge ruled in our favour and instead of the 1000 pound i had offered again awarded them mortgage payment + 150 per/month . whilst this was going on i was changing jobs and switching to monthly pay the second month we contacted ge and asked if we could pay one day late as my pay was not due till the day after they told us yes .. then 2 weeks later contacted us and told us we had broken the agreement and they wanted more money per month when going through the expenditure sheet again:!: he said that he wanted all the spare money that was left and the fact that i have 3 small children are not his concern getting my arrears back in line are his only concern .. now at this stage i have reached the point of where i would love to go to their head office grab this little weasel guy and rip him a new one sorry for the rant but if any one could shed any light in any direction it would greatly appreciated
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