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Everything posted by isthismyname

  1. Hello, I just wanted to ask one last question please: I did pay all the arrears on Friday and they emailed to say that I needed to clear account. I have emailed back but I've noticed that they don't seem to be responding to my emails - just waiting until I have to phone as it's so late in the day (if you see what I mean). I've asked for a final figure but am not hearing back at all. Is there anything I can do? Thank you so much for all your help. Re correspondence, I have had the letters I've previously stated, nothing more.
  2. Hello, I just wanted to let you know that I heard from LBL and they agreed to hold recovery action until 12pm tomorrow. I had to email back and explain that I couldn't guarantee the payment by that time as the money due into my account doesn't get processed by payer until after 11. I'm hoping they'll agree to end of day rather than 12. Thanks for all your help.
  3. Hello, thank you. I will check. I was thinking about this last night and I do think they have also sent a letter stating that I didn't pay the arrears within the default notice and that I had to pay an amount within a certain number of days.
  4. Yes, I believe so. I won't get home until the weekend (away with son) to double-check. Is there anything in particular I should be looking for?
  5. Hello, I have already replied once but it seems to have gotten lost! Apologies if it should suddenly appear and I look like I'm repeating myself. I have had a default notice from them and we agreed I would pay an amount per week. I have paid a lump sum via bank transfer and send confirmation of payment to them; I spoke to them last week and they said that this would be enough to stop any recovery action. I spoke to them today and they said the account had been sent to recovery/further action and they couldn't guarantee repossession wouldn't take place prior to my paying the arrears on Friday. I emailed them proof of my situation re health costs but they responded in email saying the same as above. The contract is due to end in December and I'm furious I've allowed this to happen so late in the day - I was so happy that it would soon be over! I only have the arrears built up over the last few weeks as all else has been paid. Thanks for your responses, I really appreciate it.
  6. Thank you. I have read the thread and will follow the instructions. I live on a private road but my landlord lives nearby; I need to calm down and see what I can do. I have definitely paid more than 1/3 as the agreement was for 18months and due to end n December (and arrears are just under £500). Thank you.
  7. Hello, thank you for the reply. The loan was due to end either this month or next (Nov or Dec). I have paid up until now but, honestly, we have had problems raising funds to see a specific doctor and used all our money towards that. I have this evening sent them a copy of the doctors invoice so they can see I'm not trying it on and asked whether - if I pay the arrears on Friday (assuming the repossession hasn't happened - will that be enough to halt it. I haven't heard anything back as yet. I honestly feel, alongside with my child's relapse, that this is sending me past the point I can cope with. I don't know what to do.
  8. Hello, yes I have. They said that the account has been sent for further action - that it hasn't been 'picked up' by that other company as yet - and they cannot guarantee that I will have until Friday. Thank you for the reply.
  9. Hello, i could really use any advice you can offer. I have an account with logbook loans - and they have been absolutely fine with me - however my son's health is bad and we have found ourselves over the last few months trying to raise funds to get him to a specific doctor for treatment. We did this but other things have suffered and today logbook have sent my account to repossession. I have made a payment via bank transfer but it seems to take a long time to register with them; i also can pay the full arrears on friday but not before. I am currently with my son whilst he has treatment and i am sick with worry about what we will go home to. Does anyone know whether the repossession happens quickly? Do i have time to pay the arrears on Friday? Please help as i don't know what I'm going to do.
  10. Hello, would really appreciate any advice you can offer. We have had car finance agreed and paid our deposit to a garage but having spolen to the finance company today I am very concerned. Our first approach to them was via a broker firm and we were accepted etc. We had to re-apply directly to them as their offer 'ran out' whilst we were on holiday. We have now been into the garage and signed the contract, paid deposit and so on (last weekend). I called the finance company on Monday who told me they still needed further info from the garage and they would organise this; I called again today and was told that "the Brokers are dealing with it as you came through them so you'll have to speak to them." I called the brokers: no idea what I'm referring to. Called finance company back: 'don't worry, well get it sorted' I'm a bit concerned that this is turning into a nightmare. If I needed to cancel this agreement does anyone know where I would stand in relation to the garage? Would they retain a percentage of the deposit as they've been holding the car for a week now? I would be really grateful for any advice. Thank you.
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