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  1. The attendance fee just doesn't make sense, no one has attended as far as we know and they certainly didnt show up with a van/bailiffs/auctioneers/police/the local vicar... the LA is Wigan but the court fine was issued by HMCTS Gtr Manchester.
  2. today I received a call from my very distressed partner a letter had been posted through the letterbox from Marston stating that a final notice had been issued on behalf of HMCTS Gtr Manchester and that they will be returning this afternoon to remove goods for sale at public auction. They were asking for £485.00. He contacted the number at the bottom of the letter which was for the 'enforcement agent' who simply advised that unless he paid that amount today the HCEO would come round along with a locksmith and the police to force entry into our home and remove goods to the value. Now, the house which this letter has been posted is mine (I am a private tenant) and my boyfriend moved into the property with me in March 2013. The amount relates to a failure to provide information as requested by the council in relation to a council tax liability order for his old address. He lost his job in September 2012, couldn't pay council tax and buried his head in the sand. The court then issued a fine which has gone unpaid and then Marston have added on their own astronomical fees. I came home from work early as I was obviously scared about some random men breaking into my home. I contacted the local police, debt advice service and the enforcement agent who all stated as that they can force entry and its tough (the police were nice about it however). I contacted the enforcement agent later on and offered to pay the amount requested, she then gave us 1hrs grace to make the payment which I have now done and all action has been stopped. What I want to know is... 1) Could they have broken into my home to collect on his debt despite that fact that it is only me named on the tenancy? 2) Can I claim any of the amount I paid back? The EO stated that £185.00 was the fine amount, £85.00 admin & £215.00 'Attendance Fee' - no one attended. 3) All of the previous correspondence would have gone to his previous address. They must have traced him at my address but no notice was provided to allow us to come up with the requested amount - it was a hand delivered notice & that they will come back later. I am so shaken by this experience, how is this legal? it's only money at the end of the day!
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