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Everything posted by AcceptedWalnut

  1. All sorted now, managed to get the day off work so took a statement printout with me into BH and they retracted the fee's and i paid as normal. Hoping this doesn't happen again cause i had no idea i'd missed payment and didnt even check the bank to see if BH payment had been taken.
  2. @Anne-Marie, with my current work training and odd hours, i'm not finding it possible to get in store or phone as it seems to fall outside your opening hours I'm afraid, I will explain what has happened since yesterday to see if anything can be sorted, thanks. BH want a bank statement to check the money was there and if its a system error, then they'll waive the fee's and i can pay as normal. Normally, i email over any documents they require which is was i done last night, i emailed them a statement showing money in the bank ready to be taken over the period that payment was due out. When my partner phoned them today to explain what i had done she was told they no longer accept emails and I need to take a statement into store tomorrow at the latest which at the moment isn't possible due to work commitments and the odd hours that i work. The money is still there sat in the bank but I cant pay because they're asking for 2 weeks and late charges on top which I think is wrong.
  3. Wish I wasn't having to update this thread but now something else has popped up. Since all this mess, we set up a plan where the money is instantly taken from the bank every Saturday so i rarely even have to speak to BH these days. Well today I've had a confidential leaflet dropped through the door saying I've missed a call and to contact the account manager which I did instantly. The problem seems to be that payment was declined somehow and they attempted to phone me (I was working Saturday so missed it) so I've now missed a weeks payment. How this happened i don't know because I get working tax credits weekly which doesn't get touched and is left in the bank for BH to take their payment. The money is still in the bank for them to take so no unexpected bill has taken it before BH etc which I why I'm puzzled the payment was declined. I'm guessing when I phone back tomorrow and I offer payment, they're going to want 2 weeks payment plus late fees which I assume has risen since i last went in. Will this also mess up my automatic payment plan? Thanks.
  4. Phoned them and at first they were refusing stating that because i stripped my account bare of all covers that it wasnt eligible for parts/labour or repairs and I'd have to pay for the repairs myself. Then i mentioned the supply of goods act stating HP items must be fit for purpose and that i only got the item in April. They put me on hold to check when i took out the agreement and then accepted it was within 12 months and a service call will be booked. I felt almost nervous mentioning the supply of goods and challenging their initial decision as i'm not an confrontational person by nature so it felt like stepping out of character but because of you guys backing up what i initially thought (item being able to be repaired because of soga) i thought stuff it lol Thanks again for your help everyone.
  5. Thank you, I thought as much but before I phoned them I wanted to be sure
  6. Does anyone know where you stand on getting an item fixed now that OSC and DLC has been removed? The washer that I've had since April has developed a faulty selection knob so it just spins without actually changing the desired cycle preset you wish to choose. With it being a second hand item will BH even offer to help now or will they fob me off? Thanks.
  7. Thought i'd update this now i'm sorted out. Got the DLC and OSC removed to make the payments much more manageable so i'm now back on track. Not heard anything back from the FOS in regards to looking into my refund so may have to get onto them.
  8. Thank you, thats what I thought too. Once you miss a payment, those insurances expire and you cannot therefore go into arrears with them.
  9. What exactly do they write onto the end of an agreement during a rewrite? I understand they push the arrears to the back of the agreement which extends it by how many weeks you've missed but what arrears are they? Will they be sneaky enough to try and put OSC & DLC arrears into this too and if so how can i tell? With OSC & DLC being weekly services, I'm guessing they're in the wrong if they attempt this?
  10. Been on the phone to Legal & General as I wanted to make sure I'm definately covered for HP items and after checking several times, he confirmed I am covered and went through the rest of the process. What type of proof will BH require? I've got my policy number already and my policy documents are being sent out by post.
  11. Found a policy from Legal & General which for a month works out cheaper to insure the full house than a week of BH's insurance on just their items. None of these quotes mention HP items though but it does cover accidental damage, I dont really want to take out a policy and then BH turn around and say no it's not good enough. I've also been in contact with FOS over OSC and DLC, they're sending me some forms and said its definately something they look into for me.
  12. I don't know what CAB are doing but it's taking far too long and I had a BH rep at the door last night. My partner invited them in before breaking down in tears because of the non stop worrying over being able to pay this company or that company. BH were very keen to take something or anything they could last night but settled on a rewrite this saturday taking off osc in the process. It was again insisted that we have to have dlc on our account to protect against fire theft and damage so i decided to look at insurance companys which means paying 4x less to cover my whole house rather than just BH's own insurance to cover a few items.
  13. Are you back on track and paying now marcus? I'm just interested in how you went about removing the insurances (if you have) and more interested in if you managed to remove dlc without your own insurance?
  14. I still never received the information I requested. All I asked was to be told of the total balance remaining on my account and 9 days later I still have no reply. Not that it matters now, I've managed to work out what I needed myself, I'll be passing it onto CAB first thing monday morning.
  15. Can somebody from the customer relations please reply to the email I sent on the 24/10/2013 and the 28/10/2013 please. I've not heard anything since 24/10/2013 and Citizens Advice really need the information I requested to move this forward and get back on track. Thanks.
  16. I've downloaded their complaint form which I've filled in and also PPI consumer questionnaire just incase. Will get them printed off Monday and send them in.
  17. Received the reply I was expecting. Basically stating that because I signed the agreements (because I was told I had to) it indicates their process has been fully followed. They've used the example of me returning the item (because I was told too again) outside the 14 day right to withdraw and this only being available because "I had chosen" to take OSC. Ends by explaining that if I am dissatisfied I may be able to refer my complain to the FOS and to refer to the information enclosed (there is no information enclosed) Time to take this higher up then.
  18. Received a reply this morning: "We have reviewed the information provided and a response will be sent out to you in due course. " I'm guessing from the speed of that reply, its a no.
  19. Well thats what I thought. I have a feeling they will still deny a refund, but I will be taking it to the relevant bodies this time, whether thats OFT/FOS.
  20. I've sent another email asking to be refunded for all OSC and also included all the claim sheets for DLC too. I'm kind of confused about their final resolve letter though. They stated they weren't issuing a refund because I've used the OSC services in the past, unknown to me that I was using it I should add. Even so, I 'm claiming for being mis-sold services I clearly didn't want or need. Surely it isn't my fault if the Brighthouse staff use these services instead of SOGA without telling me and then claim i cant have a refund because of it. I'm also not being given a refund because I was badly advised by their staff to take out one item whilst i waited for another to come into stock and then swap them. I was never told this had anything to do with OSC. Moving on though, Citizens Advice will be writing BH an offer letter for the cost of all items minus OSC and DLC as they aren't required and I dont want them.
  21. Hey everyone, droppped into CAB to deliver the rest of the forms they required so she can get looking at it properly today she said and phone me later on. Now, onto BH. from scanning several other threads it appears DLC can also be removed as there is no law requiring HP items to be insured by the hirer correct? How do I go about getting BH to remove DLC along with the OSC they have said they will remove when I dont have home contents insurance? Another thing, I checked with their advice of possibly downgrading an item but once you factor in the OSC removal from my item, their downgrade would save me around 60p to £3 dependant on the downgrade item but then I'd lose everything I've paid and have to start a new agreement and pay god knows what for that item. This doesn't seem a genuine solution as far as I can see. Edit: To Marcus (if you read this) how did you go about sorting your BH back on track without resorting to handing in items etc Did they agree to your specific payment plan or did the remove of OSC/DLC help you?
  22. Ok, i'll request that all contact is made via email from here onwards so everything is there in writing. Is it safe to assume that if an agreement is 156 weeks long and roughly 69 weeks have been paid that 1/3 has been paid? I'm just worried that because the bulk of payments I've made are going to OSc/DLc that actually, a third of the cost of the item actually hasnt been paid if that makes sense? I still won't know anything untill CAB get back to me and I can understand BH getting twitchy over wanting to sort some kind of plan out but me agreeing to this or that before i know the picture is probably only going to end up with me being back at square one.
  23. Had another conversation with my local manager and my options (those suggested by BH) seem quite clear. 1.) Return items to be held for 90 days if my circumstances change i can take them back, i asked what happens if circumstances dont change and it was only mentioned that the one item that only has 9 weeks left to pay would be squeezed back into my account by jiggling some other things around, no mention of my other items. I'm guessing I'd lose them and all payments made towards them? 2.) Downgrade items to a lower priced item which I can see would help a little but then I'd be signing up for one of the newer higher priced agreements and again would lose everything I've paid. 3.) Hope CAB can help me so I can free up the money to get my account back on track. I asked if i could be given till Monday so I can contact CAB and see how they're progressing and BH will phone me back at 4.30pm. I know its my own fault for getting in this mess with BH but I didn't expect everything that has happened to suddenly leave me in this position so quick as to where I now can't afford to pay BH.
  24. They stated in their final resolve letter that they aint paying out OSC because my very first item I had was repaired multiple times during the agreement (a second hand washer that was constantly breaking down) and because i returned an item to swap it for one i originally wanted (this was their idea when i originally went in as they had no stock) as far as they're concerned, that matters been dealt with. I've used their OSC service so therefor the claim isn't valid is what they're saying. She asked for my income/outgoings but only took 3 outgoings into account and didnt let me explain the rest. Currently as it stands, we have around £10 left a week not including BH into the outgoings and the payment they want is £58.88 a week. I've explained to her that CAB are looking into getting some money freed up so I can't agree to £58.88 a week until i know whats available.
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