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  1. Thanks for the reply but I'm at the end of the appeal process. Just spoken to legal advise, since the contact is with my employer and not myself with Unum, I can not force my employer to go to Ombudsman I could ask but he said would be a waste of time. Because Unum has stopped paying out my work can then use "Capability dismissal" and there is nothing I can do about it. What do you lot think?
  2. I have no idea regarding if HR administer the Unum scheme, or is there a consultancy firm involved, The person I deal with is out of office tlll Monday.
  3. Thanks HB Well guess I'm going to have to apply for ESA again, had this before when I had to appeal a few years ago. That appeal was overturned at the first appeal. The following year had another assessment and all went ok. Then two years later they have decided that I'm fit for work.
  4. Thanks for reply, Yes my employer submitted new evidence from my Gp and specialists. At the last appeal Unum requested an independent medical, I saw this report and it categorically said that I can not work. Unum still said no. My company's HR feel at a loss as all the compiled evidence was staked my way. Sorry yes I mean the Ombudsmanicon
  5. I'm in the same boat as you with Unum, been told that I have to deal with foc myself, never received a formal rejection letter and had to phone my supervisor before I found out that Unum had turned down my final appeal with them. I have been waiting 10 months for that decision with only my partners wage coming in. Seems the larger company has no idea how it works with Unum as they have just passed the buck on to me. Told me either I come back to work or I will have to leave or be sacked. They are just giving me a week before I have a recorded meeting with them to decide if I'm going back. can they just sack me?, force me back into work? even though it's still with them going to the foc. Where do I stand if lost job and foc rules that Unum should be paying me employers income protection money? Nightmare
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