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Everything posted by GRJH

  1. Hi. I haven't spoken to them at all figuring they don't have any info about me and would give up, though having read about them I guess they won't! I'd like them to stop bothering us and if in the process we can help stop companies behaving like this that'd be great. I've kept the last 6 answerphone messages. Wasn't sure whether to write to them or speak to them...
  2. HI there - it's a landline and is now getting a little more aggressive saying they will be calling unannounced in the next few days. I have checked my credit rating on Noddle (thanks for this link, MM) and it is completely clear - we don't have any unsettled loans etc. My mother-in-law, who does a lot of childcare for us at home is getting nervous about this and won't answer the phone or the door when she's at home with the kids. Thanks for your support folks!
  3. Hi, I've read a lot on this site about MMF and we have been receiving messages from them on answerphone since May. I'm not entirely sure of the best way to proceed after having seen a lot of really useful information here. They have never mentioned my name on the phone, and we have not received any emails or letters. We also have no debts and never have. I am presuming they are phishing for victims but I would like to stop these calls as we have young children who I don't want answering the phone to them. The message has gone on to the doorstep collection and that someone will be round soon. However, they don't seem to know my name and presumably not my address so I would rather not give them any of this. They have given me a reference number to phone back with. Do I call them back? I don't want to give them any info and don't really have the time to deal with this! Any bright ideas would be really appreciated. Thank you!
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