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  1. But as the position is for a treasurer and I'll be working with money doesn't that go against me? I was told today by the voluntary organisation that I would need to go infront of a panel once everything comes through (they don't know yet) and it has made me so much more nervous. How much detail does the CRB check go into? Does it just say 'caution for shoplifting' or whatever or do they get the entire police report? Is there any better way to word it on the form?
  2. I can't fully remember, they were okay about it from what I recall, in that I took full responsibility and they were aware it was a stupid thing to be doing when at university. There was no fine and we were dealt with then and there, told to accept out punishment of being banned but no other consequences came from it. All this is to say, we signed something, almost like a ticket which I believe he told us would avoid going to court or something and said they do that to prevent paperwork and it would just be simpler that way. But given that they took our information (name and university address at the time) does this mean it will show up on a CRB? I keep trying to remember what it was whether a warning/ caution etc. but I can't, was just hoping someone recognised the process and could advise.
  3. Hi there, back in 2010 in a moment of stupidity me and a friend were in a DVD shop and stole a DVD. We were caught and taken back to the shop where they then called the police. I admitted that it was my fault and not my friends. However the time has come now where I would like to get some voluntary work as a treasurer, however as the charity is involved with children it's an enhanced CRB. My question is will this show up? We were banned from the store but no fines were given and I believe we had to apologise. I seem to remember we were told we could avoid court by signing something but I'm unsure of what this was. I would really appreciate if someone could help me out, I was over 18 at the time. Needless to say I am very ashamed, I am being sent over the CRB form next week to fill out, should I declare this? Thanks for your help!
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