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david shiner

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Everything posted by david shiner

  1. Is anyone informed about the problems with the Norton Engines? Apparently the parts they send for repairs are not working out. It seems to be a flaw in the motor design.
  2. Dear Sir, I am sorry you have experienced such a nightmare with Norton. I too have major problems with the company. I purchased a bike last November, drove it 20 kilometers and then it broke down. Oil leaked into the piston chamber. It has been sitting for two months in a workshop in Munich and nothing has been done. It's a long story. Let's just say Norton has bee useless during this entire time. Lovely people to speak with but nothing gets done. As a passionate motorcyclist for more years than I care to remember. I write to inform you and your readership of an issue of concern which is casting long shadows over the iconic British manufacturing name of Norton, which is now in it's latest incarnation and owned by multimillionaire Stuart Garner. This issue appears not to be an isolated case and is affecting other people. Firstly for the record, I would like to point out that I am a Norton and British engineering nut! I drive a Landrover and am lucky enough to own a 1970 Norton Commando 750 Roadster. I have owned a large number of sports bikes over the years, but the Norton has remained my pride and joy. So no one could have been more happy than me, when Stuart Garner took over Norton and promised to produce a new version of the legendary Norton Commando, which had been an American concept bike for several years. Therefore when the opportunity arose in 2009 to order a Commando, I paid my £1,600 deposit and supported Stuart Garners vision and Norton. As the initial letters I have from Norton confirm the bikes were supposed to be ready in the second half of 2009, but this was later amended to early 2010. However, as with any new product or design, Norton hit problems and as a firm supporter I was not concerned or surprised when this date had slippage for various reasons. In March 2010, I received a letter from Norton, signed by Stuart Garner, thanking people who had placed deposits for their continued support and not to believe rumours about Norton's financial position. Apart from asking me for the balance, this is the only communication initiated by Norton which I have received in over two years. In November 2010, I received a phone call from Norton asking me for the said balance and I again backed the brand and put up the remaining £14,395, as the build date for my bike was imminent (weeks away). In fact the only real Norton initiated communication I have had in over two years, is to ask me for money (which I paid in full) and the one letter from Stuart Garner apologising in March 2010, all of the rest of the communication has been initiated by me. In December 2010 my wife and I were lucky enough to have a new addition to the family and with no sign of the bike, I called Norton to check on progress. I asked if I could have my delivery in March 2011. In February and March I spoke to Chris Walker (STALKER of British Superbike fame) and I understood that Norton were under pressure getting bikes out and so I agreed to wait until April/May at the latest. All of the communications and updates were initiated by me calling Norton. The only phone call I have had from anyone at Norton is from a saleswomen asking me for money. I would like to state that everyone I have spoken to at Norton have been extremely nice people. However none of the promises have been fulfilled and it is always left to the customer to initiate enquiries and find out what is going on. A worrying sign is that there is a very regular turn over of staff who appear to deal with sales enquiries at Norton. In April/May 2011 after 9 failed attempts and unreturned phone calls from various individuals at Norton, I eventually spoke to the latest two chaps that they have in sales. These chaps were again very nice people, but never return customers calls. In May I was eventually told that my bike will not be ready for another two and a half months, because of problems with parts from the States. This represented another British summer without riding my Norton and I felt it was unacceptable that no one at Norton felt it was necessary to call me or other customers to inform them. The latest two and a half month delay was not definite date and by this time I had no faith in any prediction Norton gave whatsoever. For me it was the final straw and after over two years of waiting and unreturned phone calls and missed promises I had to draw a line under this completely unacceptable level of customer service and communication. Something which should have been a complete pleasure to participate in has turned into a nightmare. Therefore very regrettably on May 10th 2011, I asked for my money to be refunded. I did this via e-mail direct to Stuart Garner (company owner and CEO) and copied my plight to the Norton owners Club. Norton contacted me apologised promised and indeed guaranteed me my refund. To date nothing has materialised and Norton will not respond to e-mails or telephone calls. I have therefore had to seek legal advice. Now one might be tempted to think that this is a one off and that I am one of those unreasonable types, who is only giving you only part of the story, and is always on the phone complaining .... However in a weird coincidence I moved house in October last year and my new neighbour also had a Commando on order. Sadly his experience has been EXACTLY the same as mine, with phone calls not being answered or returned and when they are, very nice people making promises which are never kept. We have also been in a very unique position and have had blatant examples of me being told different things (delay because of crank cases) and him promised (your bike will be ready in a few weeks). Simon very recently received his bike after shouting and swearing at Norton down the phone and threatening legal action. I have also heard from the editor of Roadholder (which is the Norton Owners Club magazine), that he is aware of other such cases. As I stated at the beginning of the letter I am a lifelong Norton fan, who has backed the brand. However I feel my loyalty, trust and patience has been totally abused by the new Norton company. They have never made any attempt to keep me or my neighbour abreast of any changes or delays and it has been up to us to attempt to find out what is going on, after promises have failed to come to fruition. I simply cannot believe that my neighbour and I are the only customers who have been treated so shoddily and am sure that if this matter is investigated you will hear from others. Neither the bike or my promised refund of 16K has arrived and I have forwarded you my communication with Norton, so that you can see how unscrupulous they are being with their customers, in not fulfilling what they promise. Sadly I am not a rich chap and with a 6 month old daughter I cannot afford to be 16K out of pocket with no bike to show for it. I certainly don't want other bikers to be in this situation.There is also the damage that is being inflicted on a proud British name, by such practises. Any assistance or advice would be very greatly appreciated. With best regards
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