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  1. She will be here in two hours. 130 people have read my message - not one of whom have said a word. This is quite disappointing. Can no-one help me out here?
  2. Hello, this is my first time using this website and forum but I read some previously in regards to my own question - the "DWP" people - and struggled finding one directly relevant to me. So here I am, writing my own. A week or so ago I got a call from these people, requesting a visit to my house to speak with my 15 year-old (soon to be 16) son. He has Asperger's Syndrome and I have been claiming an enhanced parents allowance because of it for a few years now, which, I assume, is what the whole visit is about. I was worried about this due to current financial problems, and so I was wondering - are they here to assess whether we are still eligible for the benefit? Are they here to cut what they can? It does seem that way, especially do to their vague reasoning's for the visit. Just to "assess" how things are going with my son. This is the first time anything like this has happened in five years. So, to cut this short, all I'm wondering is what their intentions are. To cut my benefits, to alter it, or any of the like. Furthermore, I heard my son is even eligible for some sort of claim of his own? This whole process confuses me - I didn't even set up the enhanced benefit scheme in the first place, nor did I ask for it, it was suggested to me by schooling a long time ago - but now I'm on my own on the subject, and any help or further detail I would value immensely. Thank you.
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