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Everything posted by TMAlex

  1. Thanks for that. The 8 week timescale is therefore a bit pointless. Knowing how long the FOS take to investigate, it would not be in my interest not to allow the extra time. So is this just another delaying tactic? All I can think of is that they have so many cases they havent had time to complete mine, as opposed to the depth of the investigation.
  2. Oh, and 3 of the 5 were with MBNA so it was on ppi with 3 companies that i was responsible for.
  3. Hi, One of my claims is with MBNA. Throughout the process they have told me that no matter what happens they will have to make a decision by 30 August as this was the final date of the 8 weeks. I received a letter this morning stating they need another 14 days! They have not received my completed questionnaire and I have re sent it recorded delivery. What I wanted to know is: Do they have any liability for not completing their investigation in the timescale set out by the ombudsman? Thanks in advance!
  4. Whether its difficult for them to believe or not it is the reality. It was 10 cards between myself and my wife, i had no interest in her cards so I was responsible for not being aware of 5. I had more than 5 cards, so some had ppi, some didnt.
  5. Hi all, This is my first post on the forums. I wanted to speak about my PPI claims that I currently have on going. Between my wife and I we have found a total of 10 credit cards, a mortgage and a secured loan that all had PPI. We also found numerous cards that didn't. We both fall into the 'stupid' category. For the life of me, I was totally unaware of the premiums I was paying. I understand when people question this, it is documented on the statements, but I never noticed it, even when I look back and see the amounts were sometimes as high as £50 per month. In fact I was adamant I had never had one PPI policy - hence it took me 2 years of knowing about it before I checked old statements. You can only imagine my surprise that so many did indeed attract PPI. I have already had a rejection from RBS credit card. However, upon checking my employment history, I had made a mistake and realised I was in fact in a temporary contract at the time I 'took out' the policy. I have returned this evidence to them and it kind of negates all the 'would have done at that time' arguments in their rejection letter. This week HSBC have been in touch to clear up a few points. I await the rejection letter this week. I feel our case is week as, whilst we have evidence that we had PPI, we have no evidence of misselling. As a civil servant I had absolutely no need for PPI. More than that, as a young (at the time) irresponsible borrower, the last thing i'd have cared about would have been how I would have paid the card back in the events PPI covered, I'd have been much more interested in keeping my monthly payments down. I was given ridiculous credit limits and prayed upon for PPI. I have 3 MBNA cards and they have stalled so long I have 10 days to get a questionnaire in. I've decided not to rush it and have decided to fight their rejection letter based on their findings without my contribution. I am staggered at the scandal, I feel so cheated. Worse, I think I am not going to get retribution and will pay for naivety and a lack of understanding. I will post my findings as I go and happily take advice where offered. It is not my main motivation. I have searched the internet for others that have been in the same position as me and if anyone can learn from me, either way, then it will be an achievement. I will take it as far as I can and am prepared to but I have no real belief that I will get anywhere because, as someone who works in the law, I am all too aware of the value of evidence and the lack of any sort of case without any. Anyway, it should be an interesting couple of months! All the best, Alex
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