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  1. The judges comments were as printed on statement of reasons,can anyone tell me if this sounds contradictory?
  2. On the grounds that this was a clerical error that I could not have reasonably of known about. They admit that the mistake was caused by inputting monthly amount as weekly.
  3. Thankyou for your reply,I have tried a law firm and didn't find anything unlawful,can u tell me if the judges comments seem to contradict themself
  4. Hi All, I need help and advice after finding I have been overpaid housing benefit £22kk! My husband of 22yrs left me & started divorce after 3 wks same time dad was terminally ill with cancer & passed away after another 4 wks(worse time ever). Also found out I was anaemic (levels a 1/3 of normal)also on extra sedatives for panic attacks and anxiety. Got letter about hsing overpayment, appealed and lost. Council admitted clerical error, judges comments were "no particular skills required to notice this mistake that stood out like a sore thumb!" Also on notes he said that council must be wary of overestimating what might be reasonable to expect of 1st time claimant. Is this conflicting? I only learnt shortly b4 appeal I should of been paid the rent I pay, so I didn't raise this at appeal but regret it now. i did say though had I known of error I would of acted, but judge made no note of this. I know this May sound obvious but they input my monthly amount as wkly. I also failed to notify of annual rent increases(shared ownership home) but they also failed in responsibility to award correct amount. Felt like I was on trial with no representative to help & beating myself up not preparing more. Now I want to know how and if I have a case to take this to upper tribunal or anyone else (mp was useless, tried appeal to UT & refused,no explanation) as I don't think they even had a dr understand the stress & effects of anaemia. would u believe rep said after appeal this mistake easily happens! It's been 7 months now and I'm still depressed and hacked off I'm in debt all because I had to claim HB. Been signed off work by atos for depression etc. Sorry if long & thanks for reading
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