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  1. In my experience do not call wonga by phone! best to email them as whatever they tell you in a reply is always written down and you have it as proof if needed, so they can't lie or try anything dodgy like they would over the phone.
  2. I found it really easy to not pay my debt in full, after reading lots of advice online as my due date was coming up many people said to simply default and wait for wonga to offer me a payment plan and stop the interest from adding up, this should not be the rout to take as you will incur a £20 missed payment penalty plus interest will continue to add up, when you get a loan at wonga you always have the opportunity to set up a payment plan 3 DAYS before your payment date is due... you must wait until three days before the payment is due no matter what, unless you want to extend the loan by a further month which you have to pay for anyway and is very expensive. Wait until three days before your pay day and go onto their website,go onto your loan details and there will be an option saying "set up payment plan" once you choose that option you have to fill out two to three small forms, these forms are for your details, work details and any changes in your circumstances, be smart about what you say as wonga take account how much you earn and most importantly how much you can afford to pay back! if you want to pay off this loan as soon as possible and can afford it then you can pay it off as quickly as you like, however if like most of us on here who are or have been having financial problems and in debt then you can pay off these loans for as little as £1 per week if you fill in the forms correctly, all you need to do fill in the questions they ask about how much you earn and how much you spend on expenses or other bills, make sure the amount you spend on food/shopping/bills and other stuff comes very close to the amount of money you have coming in per month, so if say you you make £1000 per month make sure on the expenses questions wonga ask that you spend most of it, say you spend £980 of the £1000 monthly income and wonga will ask to take roughly £5 per week over a period of time until the loan is paid off, plus once you pay the first payment in the agreed payment plan interest is frozen, however please note if you miss a payment under the re payment plan then wonga will start charging interest again and charge you for all the interest from day 1, so it is very important you choose a payment plan you know you can afford to keep paying!
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