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  1. Yes I see where I have messed up.... so apologies to all for the confusion...but I have said never mind so do you all have to keep picking I have asked for the post to be deleted so just stop When I originally started out to get advise I thought best to write from the owners perspective.... obviously when posting to the comments I have forgotten this and written as myself the driver
  2. Never mind. Obviously I cant write as no one can make sense of it. I will just delete the post. Thanks for your help!
  3. Thanks again Jamberson, you asked me questions... I answer and then you try to insinuate that I have written things I haven't so you are clearly misreading what I have written. I thought this website was here to help, obviously I got that wrong. Thanks anyway.
  4. I think you have confused yourself to be fair... if you actually read back through you will see I have clearly stated I am not the owner of the vehicle but I had been using it when the tickets were received.. nothing unusual about that. Thanks for the help anyway
  5. Hi Jamberson He filed the in time form directly after receiving the debt collector letter after I did some research. He then got a response from TEC advising it was out of time and that he need to complete the out of time form. Did ask how it could be out of time if he only just received the letter and also attached a copy if it. We were both very confused by this but the application wasn't rejected so we thought it was all ok until we received the letter informing us it was rejected. I live at one address, and the owner lives at another. I originally appealed the tickets but explain very clearly the situation and state very clear that I am using the vehicle of and out there full name and address in which the car is registered. The councils reason for the rejection is that he gave them a different address to that of DVLA which is why he never received the NTO... but he never gave them any address. I did however but it is the same address as the dvla hold. No NTO was received at any of the addresses for this ticket. And the TEC dont seem to check any of this before rejecting.
  6. Hi Jamberson, This is not my friends fault, the witness statement was filed he had no idea it was late, as explained to TEC the only thing received since the original appeal by me for this ticket is the debt collector letter. It was only because he filed the witness statement that he was told it was out of time and they advised what to do. The council failed to send any correspondence to the owner regarding this ticket and the reason they say is because the owner changed address but did not inform DLA which is not true and either way even if they did send something to my address in his name i would of seen this so they are a bunch of liars and as i had the car whilst the tickets were received it makes it my issue morally. It doesn't say why it was rejected i assume it is because the council stated he changed address, i did email the TEC and request they look at that as it simply was not true i even supplied copies of the correspondence with shows the same details as held by the DVLA.
  7. Ah I see, thanks for explaining. Unfortunately it seems this cant be done online, so no idea how I can get it there by the end of tomorrow
  8. I was using a friends car and had been parking in what I believed to be private car park for residents and it was signed posted as such. There was one council sign outside of the private area however I was not aware this was related to the car park due to the signage and the fact I had recently been in contact with the landlord further to a survey they had done in regards to the future of the car park. After years I received two tickets randomly in July 2018. I appealed the tickets but it was refused, another resident however had their tickets cleared after appealing. The owner of the vehicle contact the council who issued the ticket and they advised he can appeal again once he receives the NTO. He only received one NTO for the second ticket issued. He appealed and lost apparently some is council owned and one is owned by the landlord despite it not being sign posted within the area. He contacted the council again to enquire about the first NTO and was advised it was sent to Northampton County court so he contact them several times but nothing was received by them regarding the ticket. This was all between July 18 and January 19 He then contacted the council and they advised they had sent something in the post but nothing was received until 17 June 2019 and that was from a debt collector. He then filed an application with the TEC due to not receiving the NTO however the council have stated he provided a different address to what was provided by the dlva and mentioned it was his responsibility to change the address if moved so they rejected the application. As I was the driver I am obviously the one who will have to pay this and I therefore wanted to ask the owner to file a N244 as the TEC judgement was dated 17th July which means it is now over 14 days. As myself and the owner both wrote to the council I needed to check we had not noted anything incorrectly and we certainly haven't and the owner of the vehicle has not changed and nor has the address.
  9. Hi.. Does any one happen to know if you can submit the N244 application outside of the 14 days? The council have stated I provided different contact details to that of the DVLA why I didnt get the NTO so the appeal was rejected I have proof I did not do as stated and can obtain proof from DVLA that the details have not changed as they imply. But as I was not the driver at the time they sent the original appeal so I needed to check they did not provide something incorrectly. I have managed to obtain proof that this also states the I am the owner and the same address as held by the DLVA but I have just noticed the order was date the 17th July so by my count 14 days are up. I am gutted these people might get me away with ripping yet another person off with a blatant lie
  10. Thanks ericsbrother, your comment was very helpful as the Manager of the Exchange doesn't seem to be interested in helping either. In his initial response this morning he advised me that he is unable to tell from the footage whether the car was damaged or not however this completely with conflicts what the security advised us on the day of the incident. He also went on to say "The viewing of CCTV by members of the public is not allowed under data protection and remains the private property of the ownership." However since reading your post i have emailed a copy of the letter requesting to see CCTV under the DPA and his response is now "Thank you for your e mail and you are absolutely correct in stating you have rights to view the footage. To save you any inconvenience I will forward you the form which I would ask that together with fee is hand delivered back into Exchange at which stage we will be able to set up a meeting to allow you to view the footage we have." Not 100% hopeful this will help either i am smelling a set up, seems the exchange and the car valet company are working together but its worth a shot as companies should not be allowed to get away with things like this.
  11. I have tried to google who their insurers are but to no avail
  12. Apparently because i gave my car to a business to provide a service which is not the same as having an accident. I have however contacted them again and they spoke to the underwritters to see if there was any way around this and they were advised the only way to establish whether or not they can persue this is to put the claim through and the underwritters will then decide whether or not they accept it. Its all rubbish really i had no idea insurance was like that, i thought full comp would cover all damages to the car regardless of who did it
  13. Thanks for the advise. I am trying to obtain a copy of the CCTV however the shopping centre are telling me that only the police can request the footage but i have contacted the non emergency number and they told me they could help me. I have now written to the general manager of the shopping centre hopefully he will be able to offer some advise. I may try the Iba as you suggest. Thanks
  14. Hey People, I am looking for some advise. My car was damaged by a valeter in the Ilford Exchange, the valeters denied liability so we had to get security to check the CCTV to prove the car was not damaged when we entered the car park. After this the security advised me to pay for the valet and claim through the insurance. They gave me their names and contact details and assured me they would support me as was a customer of theirs. Once i got home i called the insurance who advised this would not be covered as it was not an accident which was very upsetting to hear. I have since made contact with the head office of the valeters who have refused to accept liability on two occassions dispite the fact they state they have spoke to the security guards who were onsite at the time of the incident. I am stuck now and have no idea how they have any grounds to deny liabilty, the thing that is most upsetting is that i was advised completely incorrect information and i actually had to pay them for damaging my car. Any advise would be gratefully received
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