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  1. My parents have always paid their energy bills without fail and we have always completed the meter reading cards when they are pushed through the letter box. I care for both of my disabled parents as well as holding down a full time teaching job. Today Npower have sent them a threatening letter demanding entry to their home to carry out a gas meter check. Stating that they have 7 days to comply or face court action and entry by warrant, which my parents will be charged for! (A minimum of £150). Upon opening the letter today my father was taken seriously I'll and has had to attend hospital and my mother is a bag of nerves, expecting someone to smash down the front door in our already crime filled area. I phoned NPower to complain about the letter and its effect on my fathers health only to be met with indifference and ignorance. Apparently I should have let them know my parents are disabled. I honestly never thought, my parents try to be as independent as they can, they would have felt ashamed. Npower could have sent us a letter asking if they could answer a door! I have also tried to arrange a visit from NPower so that I can let them into the house. They have said that they use a subcontractor and they need 11 working days notice, so the first available date is Monday 2nd September - when I am back at school. I also work on a Saturday morning, so there are no times when I can be available to let NPower into my parents house until the October half term, which is too late for Npower and they have said that court action will be taken by then. My only other option is to pay for an expensive carer to answer the door, but they don't guarantee to turn up then, as they use subcontractors. There was no prior warning, no other contact from NPower and Ofgen won't take individual complaints from customers, so we don't know where else to turn. My father is still being treated for shock and a heart condition, brought on by all this stress. Why are Npower allowed to pick on the most vulnerable people in society? We can't be the only ones stuck in this position and being held to ransom. It's almost as if they want to force entry and cause as much disruption as they can. As previously stated, all bills have been paid on time and we have had no prior correspondence. Obviously we are now leaving Npower as soon as we can. They clearly don't want old or disabled people as customers anyway.
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