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Everything posted by Riska

  1. If you link Google Adsense to Youtube you can gain money from ads displayed on the videos. It is highly dependant on the popularity of the content, the ad bidding costs, nationality, on views, minutes watched, ad placement etc. The same thing applies with a Youtube Network gaining money by Google Ads. The income would be regular as long as I continue to upload videos, so the payments too would be regular, but the cash earned can vary month to month as I must rely on people to play and share the content. It will never be a set payment. One month as an example it could be £100 for the month. July would be the Summer Holidays so that could then rise for a month and then drop again. It is not my intention to do this sort of thing full-time. I'm looking to get myself employed as soon as possible. The declaration of any earnings is the only issue. I wouldn't like to leave it for months/years and then be fined/jailed because I didn't follow the proper channels as I didn't understand it atall. I'm not earning thousands a month here, not even hundreds a month, at the end of the day though I'm still earning something . This is why I came here to know for sure as this forum is probably the next best thing for support. I wouldn't want to phone HMRC or Universal Credit until I know if I need too, otherwise I could complicate things even further as we all know the Job Centre have the tendency to mess things up.
  2. Hi guys, I made a claim under the new pilot scheme Universal Credit in January 2014. In March I setup a Google Adsense account and linked the account to my Youtube channel, I received a one time payment as I met the $100 threshold on my very first attempt. This has since been put on hold until I sort out proof of address. I then deactivated my Google Adsense account at the end of March as I decided to switch to a Youtube Partnership, I have not received a payment for this yet. Would anybody be able to tell me what I must do with the Universal Credit Benefit and the HMRC? The network itself doesn't deal with foreign tax as they are all American based. I can't disclose the exact amounts I expect to earn on here, but it is nowhere near the amount of a Full-Time job or even a Part-Time 16 hour job per week on NMW. I need to know what I need to do? Would I be best cancelling the partnership and decline any future earnings to prevent a potential worse off scenario? Or would I be better off with the extra money under Universal Credit? I will be expecting a payment at the start of July from both the Partnership Network and Universal Credit. I need to try and sort it all out before I end up in a big mess. Thanks in advance.
  3. Is that official that Jasta? Do not want to be facing a sanction for telling the Work Programme that I'm not interested in attending the assessment or the interview because of having to be on a Zero Hour Contract. This job was not found by myself, they found it and approached me. I just didn't know how to respond as I didn't know what rights I had, as declining the chance of work is seen as a sanction offence, but to be truthful Zero Hour Contracts do not appeal to me in the slightest as I have had trouble with them in the past, it really is stressful when you don't know what hours you will have and when you will next get a decent pay. The job sounds alright. It's the Zero Hour Contract that concerns me and ideally I do not want to be doing one of these ever again. I did one last time just so I could get away from scrounging benefits and was left worse off. As they promise hours and then when you get in that work quickly dries up and you are fighting for just the one shift. All the time I was on that Zero Hour Contract I was applying elsewhere and never got anywhere.
  4. Hello, A concerned individual here about the potential possibility of yet another zero hour contract. I am being pushed into them by the Job Centre and the work programme. My last experience with one didn't go so well. I was having to phone on a daily basis on an 0800 number only to be told there were not any shifts available and this meant I was only getting 4-6 hours a week if I was lucky. Sometimes I went weeks without a single shift or any hours. At the time I was really struggling paying the bills and the consistency obviously wasn't there. 4 days ago I was told to apply for a job that I could quite easily do as an unskilled worker by the work programme. If it was anything other than a zero hour contract it would be something I would quite happily do, however I do not believe in this "They'll give you a good amount of hours" crap as it's definitely not the case. The job sounds easy enough and I am in no way disputing that, it is just the zero hour contract part that I am worried about with travel costs and the uncertainty on the hours I may work. I am not work shy, but I do not want to be in that situation again where I'm struggling to pay the bills. "Well you can still apply for JSA while you work" It's all deducted and transport is not waivered. I end up gaining nothing in terms of wages if they do not offer a decent amount of hours. I would just like to know what I can do about this? The work programme have since told me 2 days ago that they have special reservations for this vacancy and they would like me to come in for a self assessment and then have an interview with the company a few days later. Is there any way I can opt out without the risk of sanctions? Advice would be much appreciated. Many thanks
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