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  1. tried to quit smokeing 3 times previously but always started again after a week or so! Always found the craveings so hard to deal with (tried cold turkey/patches/gum) and have finally found something that acutally works BEHOLD the boots nasal spray! makes you sneeze, cough, eyes water and feeks like your snorting lava at first but once you get used to it (15 sprays later) they work to stop the craveings very well and i would reccomend them to anyone! im comeing up to my first week and thought id put a post on here because its very hard to do and i know other people out there will be struggling to quit!!! but i really cant believe how much the spray works! happy quiting everyone i used to spend around £3.50 a day on smokes thats 1277.50 a year £12775 over 10 years Thats a very nice used range rover up in smoke every decade! anyone else makeing the plunge to quit????
  2. ok, i will get that sent off in the morning from her email. Once we recieve the bill, if it is less than what wescott state what should my next step be? thanks FullOfDebt
  3. If I ask for itemised bill, will they carry on with the collection projedure? She really does not want them contacting her parents or her work number. I will be contacting them via E-mail. Is there a set email to send them asking for telephone numbers to be removed/not called. Only contact us via email and to request a itemised bill? My wife just wants to pay it, but I know that its not the true amount.
  4. hello everyone! me and my wife moved house in march this year and gave British gas a final meter reading to close the account when we left and expected a bill to be sent out in due course. we had our mail re-directed to our new, current address for 3 months and never received a bill from them. we have now received a final notice letter out of the blue from Wescot demanding we pay £460 within 10 days or further collection activity will be taken to recover the full outstanding balance. this was sent to our new address, my wife rang up British gas as it is in her name to find out why it has been passed on to a collection company and to clarify the amount. British gas then told us to deal with Wescot? British gas would not send out a bill. we are not sure what the original final bill amount was we have not had any contact with Wescot other than this letter, but my wife has mentioned that her mother is getting repeat phone calls on her land-line from a company looking for my wife. She just ignored them and hung up thinking it was just another cold call. Turns out its Wescot after asking which company they were ringing from. So my wife has called Wescot to tell them she she wants her parents telephone number taken off the system, they were happy to do so, she then said that she will pay the full balance off in 1 weeks time much to my disappointment, but i wasn't on the phone i would have contacted them via E-mail. i would like to know where we stand with this, its as if we haven't got a choice but to pay through Wescot? and we never received the final bill so cant verify if that amount is for the energy used, or plucked out of thin air Thanks FullOfDebt
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