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  1. Oh I see, I've actually asked for proof of the charges etc but no one till date has show me anything or been able to in the past 2 years whenever I've spoken to a debt agency. What would be my best action to take now? To resolve this?
  2. No that was my error as I said before it was July 2009 not 2008. What's a lemon debt? What can I do about this? As I've finally grown some brains now and regret leaving this like this
  3. yes I have checked my credit file today and I can see it appears on my file as ' CAPQUEST IVESTMENTS LTD' The default date as shown on Credit file is 25/11/2010 . In my first post I made a error, ive just seen that I wrote july 2008 infact it was in july 2009 when I started disputing the charges and this went on and on . also I can see that the balance has increased to £3035 now
  4. I just thought i would update this thread so that it benefits anyone else in the same boat. I spoke to one of my union reps and they spoke to HR for me asking what their reference policy is. HR confirmed they only give dates etc and wont mention anything of dismissed based on sickness policy.
  5. Hi First Of all going back to July 2008 I had a Halifax current account which has a overdraft limit of £2500. I was overdrawn for just a little amount and i was given charges of £35 and £28 for going overdrawn due to a payment of £5 e.g. i bought lunch at world for £5 and same day i bought McDonald £4.43 i would get charged £35x2 and the one of £28. This continued for a whole month until i got back to my main residential house ( mums house) and opened my post to see all the charges being applied. I was silly and immature to not take these charges seriously, i simply spoke to them over the phone and told them i wont be paying a penny until they remove them as no one told me in the bank when i took out a overdraft of £2500 that each time i use it i would get charged so much! This debate carried on, i kept receiving letters and threatening debt collecting letters however i ignored the problem. Now a year ago a debt colleting agency on behalf of Halifax contacted me for the collection of £2890.54 which i nearly had a heart attack listening to, i explained that the only reason i went into a dispute was as they put unfair charges totalling well over £800!! now that's continued to grow over the past several years with all the extra charges etc. i don't have a record of much but i did say to the agency that if they can get Halifax to send me a statement which shows ive actually used this money for my own good. more then 75% of the money is all unfair charges and fees they've added. But ive never had anyone send me a statement of charges till date I know ive made a huge mistake by leaving this lying but no wits become very difficult for me to get any credit due to this default. And now they've got debt collecting agencies pursuing this again and its just way to much mental stress. i don't even have a job yet! i was 19 at the time of the default and really regret this foolish immature attitude i had then. Is there anything i can do to waive all the charges? or at least most of them? Thank You for your advice in advance
  6. Thanks sidewinder for your response Of course that's what I intend to do if they discover I was dismissed. I'm just curious to know wether they would just ask for dates or wether BAA would say more then confirming dates. We'll if it comes up I do hope British airways question me about it so that I can tell them honestly about it.
  7. Yes that was my most recent employer. Since then it's been a year I've took this time for treatment and getting better and now i can control my migraines when I feel them coming on. I feel ready and fit for employment.my previous employer was BAA at the airport. My new possible employer if these references don't mess up are in fact British airways. They need reference for the airside pass to cover all gaps in the last 5 years. My most recent employment is shown as BAA a year back and for the time between being dismissed to now I have put a character reference. A lot of people have said I should have left bAA off my CV however i didn't want to lie at all as I still feel that was a one off where I was under so much stress. My mother was diagnosed with brain tumour around that time too and she also suffered from migraines. She had the same symptoms which scared me too. That's why I had so many appointments and long wait to be investigated.
  8. Hello there I was on this forum roughly 1 year ago when I was called to a disciplinary meeting by my employer, I was given the choice to resign by choice or to be dismissed and appeal and I chose appeal. Obviously I lost the appeal and was then dismissed. By the way I was dismissed as my employer felt my sickness was too high and not in line with there standards etc even though I came with full medical evidence to show I was suffering from severe migraines since 10years old and they had significantly got worsened and was due to attend a appointment with a neurologist for further investigation. I now have a year later applied for another role for which i have been offered the job subject to compete reference checks obtained. I have so far not been asked if I was previously dismissed from my role at all so I haven't lied. I'm just wondering wether my previous dismissal will show up on my reference. The new job is for British airways and would be for a airside pass. Everyone's help would be appreciated as the anticipation is killing me.
  9. Ok thanks for your advice. It's helped make things more realistic for me. To he honest I'm not very hopeful for the appeal but I guess there 25% of me that thinks magically something will happen and I'll get my job back! Just wished if they knew how migraines effect a person maybe they would be lenient. Mine sometimes last for 3 days! And nothing helps, not even puking. I just have to lie down in a dark room with my face sinked into a pillow really high up! I'll post on Friday just to let everyone know for future reference what happened on the appeal.
  10. Oh ok I guess I have nothing much to do now except pray
  11. Is a reccommendatiion of reasonable adjustments made by occupational health or can I also get my GP to give that?
  12. Oh ok I did not know that there not legal requirement. Yes correct they didn't say to make any adjustments but dud say that it's likely that this will be repairing as my migraines can come any time & are in no particular rhythm.
  13. yes they did ask if I had a disability but I said no as I didn't know myself that migraines are somewhat treated as a disability if they impact the quality of everyday life. Before starting my job I was asked to complete a healthcare form and in that I ticked that I have suffered from migraines/headaches in the past 12 months. It was just a form with like 20 questions telling me to tick whichever I have suffered from in past 12 months. But I don't have any copies of that at all. I was sent to Occupational health after the first meeting and the nurse wrote a report to my manager saying I suffer from migraines and that I am being referred to a neurologist for further investigations Etc Second time I requested to go myself as when I came bk to work with arm injury as a result of my migraine and dizziness I was made to work for 3 days and on the 3rd day I insisted to go to OCC health so they could put me on restricted duties. 2 weeks later my return to work was held! When I asked to go to occ health I was asked by my manager ' do you really need to go? It's just a triage ' And the final time I was sent was in the morning of this second meeting in which they dismissed me with immediate effect. The report by the nurse was that I am still awaiting a neurology appointment ( as written in letter by doctor which I showed her ) and that I suffer from migraines etc and that the business should allow me time from my job to attend these appointments.
  14. Surelly if the managers explained to me that they could put me on restricted hours or duties and gave me that option my absence would have been only 4 days rather than 11.
  15. Hi in my second interview I have a doctors letter confirming the migraines and that I've suffered from them for years and now have become worse and that I'm also being referred to a neurologist and waiting a appointment to our rule anything else more serious. I've checked my employment contract, my code of conduct etc everything and nothing states about migraines etc . I just hope I guess things work out for the best and I get given another chance as I believe under the guidance and treatment from a specialist I can control these migraines. In my appeal letter I have also sent of my medical reports obtained from my GP including A&E reports suggesting different times I've come to see them with migraines and dizziness. As well as the letter from GP. Is there anything else I should take to my Appeal or anything specific approach I should have or say during the appeal to help my case? I have never been in this situation. I just wish I had been clever like them people who take lots of emergency leave telling lies and they don't get pulled up and I have been honest with them about my illness every time and I get dismissed!
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