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Everything posted by mummyfightsback

  1. Hi Darren Thanks for your message, I apologise for the delay in responding but have been on one of those holidays I mentioned Thanks too for posting the link to the MSE thread, I hadn't seen this so was really pleased to read that both Simon and the person in the case from the FOS site have had similar decisions to mine. As you say, this suggests that there is real momentum building as the FOS staff are clearly singing very much from the same hymn book. I know that there is a movement towards seeing PDLs as the next mis-selling scandal so it is helpful to see where the Ombudsman sits with this right now. You have to complain directly to the companies in the first instance as the FOS want to see the outcome of this before they will take it on. Once I had the (mostly laughable) responses from the companies I was complaining about I then took it to the FOS. I don't think my case is on the website yet. I'm not aware of any templates, I put together quite a concise complaint on two points - irresponsible lending (I had already defaulted on a high level of debt prior to taking out the loans - something that the ombudsman reiterated in her findings) both initially and on an ongoing basis; and on mis-selling as these are designed to be short-term products so lending every month for over two years is not selling them as they are presented. Hope this helps and I wish you luck with your own complaint. Please don't be daunted by it. The sense of empowerment I felt in just making the complaints was huge, I wasn't expecting the outcome I got and in terms of me finding my voice it actually didn't matter whether they found in my favour or not. Thanks
  2. Hi Flow I have read an re-read your post and am still not quite clear how much of it is directed at me. I have been very clear to say that this is an adjudicator's recommendation (which is not binding) rather than an ombudsman's decision (which is) and I am happy to post again once the ombudsman has looked at the two outstanding complaints. I have shared my story openly with good intention and I am in no way attempting to give false hope, quite the opposite. It is not clear from your post who is not telling 'the whole truth', if you are referring to me then I have to take exception at your comment as my posts have been genuine and do disclose my whole story. I, like you, also feel for the people having problems paying and struggling to set up a repayment plan because that was the position that I was in, which is why I am telling my story of fighting back. I agree that PDL behaviour on setting plans up is often a travesty, which is actually why so many people like me ending up borrowing from others. I am not sure who you are referring to as 'losing their job', would you like to elaborate? Finally, thank you for your concern but I can confirm that I have 'grown up' a great deal through this and learned a lot about myself and can say without reservation that the victory is well worth it! Both on an emotional level, having a sense of pride and achievement in taking on the PDLs and winning and having my voice heard has been really important for me. And, whilst I agree that money isn't everything, the money I have already received means a huge amount to me and my family and has enabled me to thank those that have supported me through my struggle - it has already paid for holidays, home improvements, a better car and, most importantly, allowed me to set up saving accounts for my two little ones (hopefully to give them a good financial start). I am more than happy to respond to any further comments/questions from you or anyone else. Thanks
  3. Hi 2ltr There were two aspects of my complaint that the fos saw as evidence of irresponsible lending - lending to me in the first place when I was already in a large amount of unmanageable debt (clearly evident from my credit file); and then continuing to lend to me (often increasing amounts) on a monthly basis for nearly two years, which resulted in me taking out further loans from other companies.
  4. Thanks for your response. Yes, I do hope that my victory will inspire others to take on the PDL companies... that's my main reason for posting about it on here I will get back around £15,000 when I realised how much interest I had paid back!
  5. Hi everyone I thought that you might like to be updated on my complaint. The FOS adjudicator has upheld my complaint and recommended the following from the six payday lenders I raised concerns about: that I be refunded all payments made (plus 8% interest per year from the date of payment) less the loans received a note of 'satisfied' being added to my credit file that I receive payment of £250 compensation for distress and inconvenience Four of the businesses in question have agreed to the above, one (Wonga) have refused to accept them and the case has now been forwarded to the Ombudsman, the last one (WageDayAdvance) have not responded yet so that will also be forwarded on. I am both surprised and thrilled by the outcome and hope that my experiences will spur on those of you who are also considering making a complaint. I also hope that it strengthens the argument for there being an investigation into the mis-selling of PDLs. Good luck everyone
  6. Ooops typo lost a lot of money....not manner (although maybe that's a freudian slip as I did lose the plot for a while!)
  7. Hi PDLVictim and a big thank you for sharing your journey with us I too am going through the process of claiming mis-selling from a number of PDL companies and found your thread whilst searching the internet for something to give me a bit of hope Like you, I got into that horrible cycle of rolling loans over and re-loaning month after month as it spiraled into a complete nightmare. My story with this vile parasites started when I had a complete breakdown after a series of miscarriages and was unable to work full-time (I am half employed and half self-employed so lose a lot of manner with the latter when unable to work). Over the years since I have been fortunate enough to get well again, with lots of love and support, and to go on to have my two busy little babies. I have also (finally) managed to pay off the last of the loans but now that I am feeling well and strong I also feel very angry that these companies are allowed to make such huge profits by preying on the vulnerable. So I knew it was time to fight back! I am claiming mis-selling on the grounds of irresponsible lending (I was already in more than £50k debt following a previous breakdown when my first marriage ended and at the time of applying for the loans was making token repayments - all of which was perfectly clear from any credit check); and on mis-selling in that, as you say too, the loans were clearly not suited to my needs. I will keep you posted on my progress and wish you and PDLVictim2 well. Take good care Mummy
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