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Everything posted by PDLVictim2

  1. Thanks for the response. I was just looking another thread earlier for someone that is persuing a complaint post paying off all their loans. I am thinking about doing the same. I have got to have paid at least £15k in interest it's at least worth contacting the FOS about and I think a precedent has to and will be set in favour of the consumer. I was lucky enough to be bailed out by a faily member but once I paid them all off I was literally hounded by them to take more loans out .I contacted them on many occasions when I found myself penniless but always presented with a brick wall and increased limits. If they were fair in their practices they would have given me some breathing space as opposed to lending me more money
  2. Just a quick question, when you made arrangments with the lenders do they freeze your interest? I was in the same rut up until earlier this year and I wish that I had persued arrangements, I just backed down when they said no and now I am kicking myself wit the the amount of interest I paid over. Like the others say on here, if you can avoid don't take out any more loans, I wish I had come across this site sooner, I have had many a sleepless night and been sick with worry when as soon as my wages went in there was nothing left month on month...
  3. Hi, I'm in exactly the same position as you, I was in the PDL rut for nearly 4 years and I dread to think how much interest I have paid, some months it was over £1000. There were many times that I approached some of the lenders to see whether they would offer me alternatives in maybe freezing the interest just to give me some breathing space, instead month on month limits increased sending me deeper into debt. Like you no real checks were made and it's only now that the help is out there giving people the opportunity and advice to challenge these loan companies, I wouldn't have dared not pay each month as I was scared that they would hound me at work and whilst I have to take resposibility for my choices I feel that when you ring in dire straights the initial no just leaves you desperate, also this isn't the sort of thing you can easily share with family/friends as I was embarrassed that I had been so stupid. Luckily for me I came into some money earlier this year and was able to pay them all off. I can't tell you what a relief it was, what then ensued had only be described as harrasment, I was literally hounded with texts and emails wanting me to take out further loans, I mailed and called them for weeks telling them to take me off their mailing lists it's only when I threatened to report them that they stopped hounding me, but it goes to prove that they aggressively market and positively encourage people to get into debt. Also their claims that they help repair your credit rating is an out and out lie. Each rollover I had with wonga showsup as a new credit agreement and I have pages and pages of them on my file this being a detriment to my credit score. I am encouraged by your attempts to get some of your money back and I was thinking about doing the same thing myself but just didn't know where to start, I've no idea how many loans I have had and I'm actually a little scared to find out. I guess first step is getting the information from them? Any other advice or encouraging stories would be great!
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