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Everything posted by wendyboats

  1. Morning Gany, Have got side tracked a a bit, so sorry for delay will try again to upload, if not will type up in chronological order. Regards, Wendyx
  2. Sorry for late reply Mouldy, I have been going over their evidence and they state as follows, The rights and benefits of the first agreement were duly Assigned from Capital one by way of debt sale on 28th January 2011... £850.35. Notice of Assignment served on bankrupt by respondent on 8th Feb 2011 in accordance with the provisions of section 136 of the law of property act 1925. Notice of assignments on both mobiles also worded the same Statutory demand... Since notice of assignment was served on bankrupt, the respondent sent out lengthy correspondence requesting payment for the sums due and owing under the agreements. Bankrupt warned intention to serve statutory demand, bankrupt served Sat demand by alternative service through letter box on 16th of Dec 2011. I can see no mention of serving me with a valid Statutory default notice on any of the 3 debts prior to any of the above, and non have been given in evidence that I can find ? I read link above Mouldy I hope this applies to my case, we know already that Capital ones Notice of default and Final Default notice were incorrect, so I hope you can confirm the above means another point of law to refer too ! Thank you Mouldy big hugs xxxxxxxxx Wendy aka Watson still on the case x
  3. Evening all , I have had problems with uploading court papers again, I will try again once more, then do by hand. I am finishing off my skeleton case for Barrister to view, and need to get it perfect before sending so I do not incur costs for leaving out or putting details that are or are not needed. I will update as soon as I can, Regards to all WB aka Watson x
  4. Mouldy please advise me here do you mean original creditors or Lowell after they brought them ? Sorry to be so dense here but I am confused as their are so many to consider! WB xx
  5. I was if you remember on 19th Feb, given 7 days to serve papers by Judge Pursuing the Appeal file, which I did as asked ?? wendyxx
  6. OK...........Mike so this is a good thing yes????????? I am hopeful that I have secured a brilliant Barrister and a family member is helping the costs, I am now unable to sleep going over and over their paper work and the more I look the worse it gets for them ! I KNOW AT END OF DAY ITS POINTS OF LAW THAT WIN CASES, But I really can only assume its the lower courts who seem to be letting this happen ?? Like I have said regardless of outcome this law needs changing and I will fight win or loose ! Night wendxx aka Watson still on the case x
  7. As mentioned Mike I am very confused at this stage, and will upload court orders tomorrow for you all to read, but I think I have a appeal to original bankruptcy going at same time as a appeal to appeal out of time ??????????? Wendyx
  8. I am not sure but I have to attend not BW legal ? I am going through court papers from Chancery courts in London I think I might need to up load all of them as I think I have two cases going at same time ???????????? Will up date tomorrow on this wendy x
  9. Sorry Ford you slipped past me I think ? thank you for post fingers crossed Wendyx
  10. Hi Uncle b, all of above already consider, spent a while going through ICO website and options available and its all sent. Yes I am very please to be granted a Oral hearing, and family member paying for a barrister. Thanks for input Wendy x
  11. Hi all Update, I have a Oral Hearing granted at Chancery Division on the 20th June , no time given as yet. Also have RE; Requested SAR for T Mobile and Hutchinson's formally Orange I believe. Also yesterday EX Husband E mailed trustee for a up to date run down of all moneys she will be requesting from my Equity, As we have had no word from her since October 2013. Her Solicitor E mailed back to inform us she is on holiday, and informed us he is not entirely sure precisely what information we require , and could my EX phone him to discus what it is we Precisely require ! E mailed him again to enlighten him, only to receive email saying he is away till Tuesday. Resent him E mail requesting same on his return first thing Tuesday via e mail or letter. I am also seeking the help of a barrister to represent me. Kind regards To CAG, Wendyboats AKA Watson still on the case.
  12. Evening Mouldy sorry for late reply to above, I sent off the request for a Variation and Oral hearing on Monday and put what you advised prior to above, I hope I have not messed up ? Regards two mobile phones I sent off SAR last year as advised here on forum, Also the Solicitor requested same, but nothing has been sent ? Lowell's and BW Legal said as much as its not available now, and kind of half admitted they never would, but then back tracked and said it was not needed as I did not defend claim at first hearing, and Judge agreed ? Can you advise me on above please. Also thanks Mike and Uncle b for above input. Regards WB aka Watson still on the case.............But weary xxxxxxxxxxx
  13. I have already requested all above Uncale b , As I never had a contract for either mobile, its understandable why they do not have this, WB X
  14. Mouldy rechecked paper work and the above is spot on and fact, but I have sent request for a oral hearing and variation of time, as you quoted I should do earlier, am I using the above for a appeal if its granted ? Kindest regards WB AKA Watson still on the case with dearest friend Mouldy xx
  15. I am digging out my file to confirm all above correct as post 101 was a long time ago! WB x aka Watsonx
  16. "Thank you my dearest Mouldy" Yes you have indeed, as always given me hope in this case, and that, together we can achieve our goal ! Watson is always so glad to hold your hand on this life changing journey. God bless dear friend xx
  17. Thanks for this link Uncle b, as I said above I am not going through this nightmare for nothing and this case and the journey I have taken needs to be told......... "My Story" In its entirety, Needs to be told, Their is a lot more than this issue going on in my life a long side this case, That by anyone's imagination should have sent me into "mental shut down", but you guys on CAG and others in my life have given me the tools to cope, Its hopefully going to be a good read! For this forum I am truly grateful Wendyboats aka Watson on the case xxxx
  18. Thank you for above advise, Mike and Gany, I have sent off letter to court and do not hold much hope as your posts advised the Trustee will get money no matter what, Regardless of end result I will continue to fight this Bankruptcy law as its flawed with deceit and is purely set out for gain and is not in the interest of justice in any shape or form, I am sure I am not the first or the last, but what I do know is I shall bring this law to the attention of the media, because "IT COULD HAPPEN TO ANYONE " ! I am not content to sit back and go through this for no reason, If or when I loose I shall shout from the roof tops and kick up a stink, because this stinks to high heaven, and the truth will prevail and with truth comes justice, and the truth shall save us all ! Thank you all for the honest advise, But for now Wendyboats aka Watson is still very much on the case ! xx
  19. Thank you for above Gany I am still confused as to this, do I send off request to appeal first and then write my reasons or write my reasons with the request ? Advise needed please
  20. Sorry forgot most important points 3 Alleged debts 2 Mobile phones under £500 and Capone credit card limit £500 debt £850.32P . 2 mobs never proven. Capone card taken out either September or October 2006 Two CCA sent with to different dates and signatures. Agreed limit £500. I pay by DD for 18 months, no notice given of default during this time ( I defaulted first month) No attempt by phone or e mails or letters, during year of 2007 I have £87,000 in the bank DD is taken from. DD stop due to unlawful bank charges and I close account in April 2008. September 2008 Capone put me in default. no letters nothing ! No statements ever sent except one, and in their evidence given of statements high interest rates PPI and nothing adds up ? So to recap.................. £500 credit card I pay 18 months by DD a total of nearly £800 but its never enough so increases to £850.32p due to PPI not requested or known about and high reclaimable interest rates. On a £850.32 alleged debt the trustee now wants my equity of £38.000 give or take.............So please help me Wendy xx
  21. Evening all Sorry for late post, thanks for comments above, and Gany I read link you posted thank you, Mike thank you also for your input. I really need advise on what I need to put in letter to request appeal of sanction and Oral hearing request. Their is so much I think has been mist in my case, I think in light of volume of my posts I should re; post important points, as I see them. 1. I lived away from address for a solid 6 months caring for Daughter and Grandson during period of service, I can prove. 2. After return with Grandson a phone call from Trustee alerted me to Bankruptcy Order, and the demand for £14,000 but good will gesture would accept £10,000, she even spoke to ex husband and told us both to lend it off our elderly parent's. 3. It took me 2 months to find out from insolvency man by e mail what the alleged debts were for after Trustee refused to tell me. 4. My ex husband agreed to pay for a solicitor recommended by Law line to set aside and appeal order, it took £2,500 and a year for him to get all relevant paper work, most important of which came 24 hours before case in court, never did set aside Trustees Debts mounted.(Appeal Case heard June 2013) nearly 1 year to day of bankruptcy order, Due to Lowlife taking so long to disclose and my solicitor letting them. 5. 1 week before case Solicitor informs me he can not attend but will instruct a barrister at a cost of £300 for 40 min, approx. 6. Barrister was a pupil with a stutter ( nice lad ) who only mentioned service of SD and my absence from property, Judge cared less and awarded costs to other side who asked for £7,000 but Judge pulled them on having 3 grade A,s 2 grade B,s and 3 grade C,s and knocked it down to £2,400 . 7. Barrister informs me no chance of appeal as dose Solicitor, who refuses to entertain it. 8. Joined CAG August 2013 desperate for advice and advice given "THANK YOU ALL" and I sent emails to Solicitors in a 60 mile radius and was contacted by one who bragged about her ability's to WIN LOWLIFE and would go Pro- Bono and even put my story on her web site banana and I sent bundle to her in early September. 9. She phoned my previous Solicitor to tell him he should not advertise as a bankruptcy specialist and we were suing him (I did not know this for a few months after) 10. October 2013 Trustee gives us 7 days to pay or would put in for a forced sale and Pro- Bono Solicitor pulls out. 11. Spoke to original Solicitor for advise, the informed of phone call from Pro-Bono threats to sue, so can not help me. 12. November with help on CAG I applied to court to appeal. The rest I hope you know !! WB aka Watson still on the case xxxx
  22. Ok Mike I understand your point here, yes my ex-husband could and would prove he could pay and no I had used all my money to buy half of house and other things , I thought all my debts were paid up in the divorce, not that I had many and the Capone card I completely forgot to pay up at time, but continued DD payment even though I thought it was being in part paid by PPI ! WBX
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