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  1. Ha ha, The only reason I ask these questions is because I can't find the appropriate information on the net. Even phoned a debt advice company and they said "whatever the DCA tells you is correct" not my experience unfortunately.
  2. Once again thank you, just reading this http://www.ico.org.uk/upload/documents/library/data_protection/detailed_specialist_guides/default_tgn_version_v3%20%20doc.pdf, seems to have info on what I am asking. So hard to find what you want on the net.
  3. Am I correct in saying although even if they default me carbot can still mark it AP?
  4. Thank you for your time and patience in this matter. I take it they don't have to default the account?
  5. No, in reply to a question, I said I defaulted, not barcleys defaulted me. Also the year 2012 was a typo that I did not see. This is how my Credit report stands regarding this matter. Barcleys reported 1 payment late in Dec 2009 and each month upto 6 payments late they continued 6 payments late untill Oct 2011 (so they reported late payments from 12/2009 - 10/2011) The reported settled on Nov 2011. Carboot reported AP from Jan 2012 and is ongoing. So this account had never been marked with a default. Hope this clarifies things, I apologize for any confusion, trying to look up older posts and swap to my C/R for info.
  6. Thanks that clears things up a bit. Can you tell me what this is about? on your CRA file in the debt details summary it should [hopefully] show a date it was defaulted. if not and you have years of AP markers that is unfair. it should be defaulted from your 3rd missed payment. else it'll never fall off your cra using the AP markers [unfair practice] Barcleycard never defaulted me can they do this? Sorry posted twice it's not showing up for some reason
  7. Ok that clarifies things, So what is this about? on your CRA file in the debt details summary it should [hopefully] show a date it was defaulted. if not and you have years of AP markers that is unfair. it should be defaulted from your 3rd missed payment. else it'll never fall off your cra using the AP markers [unfair practice] Barcleys never defaulted me can they do this?
  8. How can the AP marker be correct when I am paying the agreed amount?
  9. Would like to thank all you guys and girls for your information and time. Is there any way I can stop them from carbot marking my credit report with these AP, I am going to lodge a complaint with the relevant bodies for unfair practice. But carbot keeps saying they are doing nothing wrong.
  10. Quoted from renegadeimp " Whatever repayment plan was in place when the debt was sold, is what they HAVE to accept". There seems to be two different opinions here, can someone clarify please?
  11. Their are no defaults from barcleycard just late payments, They goto 6 late payments and stay like this from May 2010 until Oct 2011 then settled on Nov 2011, but no defaults.
  12. TBH don't know went to CAB for help because my creditors just would not accept anything I said. The wrote What I wrote and they listened. Can not remember anyone mentioning paperwork although I should still have it all. Not even sure what the right paperwork consists of, will have to do some research.
  13. Looks like I defaulted in Jan 2012 and Barcleycard has marked it settled in Nov 2011, Carbot has been marking my credit report since Jan 2012. is the debt defaulted in its summary? Don't know what this means, Just started looking into this, just started to get work now and again so looking to clear dept and start again. and you say they don't hold the CCA? I asked for a signed agreement between me and carbot the guy stated we don't have one. I am Looking at sending the letter asking for CCA but am unsure how this affects anything. Don't know if this is applicable but I am only paying £1 per month this is what is what I was paying when they bought the debt, This is what Barcleycard accepted when I defaulted.
  14. If this is the case can they still put AP on my credit report every month?
  15. Thanks for your replies, The payment plan that I am on now was in effect when they bought the debt although it was less than the minimum payment on the credit card. So are they still entitled to the minimum credit card payment?
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