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pete c

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  1. Hi all, just a complicated question, after splitting from the ex(not married) 3 years ago, I had to fight to get my share of the equity of the house which I finally got 4 weeks ago to the sum of £80000. (the ex has £300000 in a bank account) I have paid CSA from day one but also all the mortgage. (I switched from repayment to interest only. She had her new boyfriend move in 2 years ago and basically he lived there scot free. She is paying day to day bills.I have had to live on families sofas in this time. Last week I was handed my redundancy at my job. Now as I have been given 3 months continuous pay then the lump sum at the end, my understanding is that I will have to carry on paying the full amount until the 3 months is up. question 1 Can the CSA take a lump sum out of my £80000? 2 will I need to be reassessed at the end of 3 months 3 is there and upper/lower limit on savings i can have? I know that as soon as she finds out i have been made redundant she will inform the CSA about the money she had to give me, But ideally I want that money so i can put a deposit down on a house at some point. If this is posted in the wrong forum sorry!! Pete
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