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  1. Final update. Woman who dealt with my claim and sent out the support group letter admitted she "pressed the wrong button" and that it should have said WRAG. No real apology, just asked if I wanted to appeal. Had to start the appeal process. Not happy at all. Wrote to my MP about this as I think it's disgusting to be honest.
  2. Update on this. Waiting on a phone call as they now claim I am in WRAG and don't know why I have a letter saying I'm in the support group. Someone is supposed to be calling me back to clear it up. I have no idea how I could have spoken to someone when I received my support group letter, and them confirm I was in the support group if that wasn't the case. So worried right now.
  3. Yeah I know. I've been googling like crazy to see if this has happened to anyone else, as it would better put my mind at rest. Of course, I can't find a single instance of it happening to anyone else :/
  4. I sent in my ATOS form along with supporting evidence mid-sept and at the end of Nov I received two letters the same day. The first I opened said there were changes to benefits in Dec and that my benefit was changing to WRAG. There was nothing much else written apart from a breakdown of how much you get. The second letter I opened (that came the same day) was a five page one, with many more details and said I had been put into the support group after it was determined I was unfit for work following my claim form. It also said that it superseded any other letters I had received about benefit payments. Naturally I assumed this meant the short WRAG one which had arrived the same day. I was unsure though, so phoned the benefits office and the lady took my details and confirmed that I was indeed in the Support group and didn't need to do anything further and would be due for a review in two years time. All good and I relaxed for the first time in months. In fact I even came here and posted a follow up post to a thread I had started, thanking people for their advice and help. This morning a letter arrives stating that I am in WRAG and HAVE to attend an interview on the 14 January. It is compulsory and says my benefit will be affected if I don't attend. I am so confused. I have a letter saying I am in the support group, and spoke to someone on the phone who confirmed it and could even tell me when the review date was due. So that MUST be correct yes? Of course I am now worried sick again, and worse, it is the weekend so can't phone them
  5. Hi everyone. Many thanks for all the help in this thread. I received a letter this morning saying that I have been put into the support group. It didn't expand on how long for etc so phoned up the DWP and I am definitely in the support group with a review due in two years time. Thanks again everyone. I'm so relieved right now
  6. Sounds like I have done the same thing, talking about things as though I'm explaining it to a friend who wouldn't understand medical jargon
  7. Thanks for that. Now one thing which has worried me sick seeing as I need to post this on Tues I have added lots of information (you don't get nearly enough space on the form itself, especially if you have multiple issues. Most people say add sheets of A4 with all the extra stuff and I m sure I haven't waffled, but instead think I have been clear (I've typed it and typed it again and again making sure I included the relevant info). But have been doing my usual thing of googling (worse thing you can do really) and found people claiming to not add many extra sheets and keep it to maybe 1 sheet of A4. I'm on 11 sheets and if I need to rewrite that now I don't know what I'll do. Surely giving them as little as possible is wrong and you should give as much information as possible. Thats what most people seem to be saying? I can't even think how I would reduce what I have written to even half that without trivialising some things. I'm really worried now.
  8. Thanks guys. Just been reading the notes again and the wording of it is a little off from what I thought. It says "Mr Cowie feels an operation isn't required". Now, that throws a different light on it I think...not much of one if I were speaking to a regular doctor of course. I promise you that isn't what was discussed with me at the time, and I know another doctor I spoke to (Mr Cowie mentioned above isn't the actual doctor I spoke to at the hospital back then - he was just one of the specialists. But of course all my main notes are gone!). Another doctor did say he didn't agree with that assessment, but that the risk was too much because of where it is. That would of course be what would be discussed with anyone when it came to an operation on your neck. And of course I do have that other note from the pain specialist who clearly thinks it is an issue.In fact I have two notes....one where he mentions the protrusion, and another for exactly what procedures he did with pain blocking injections. But that wording....not required. It bothers me. I mean, I know they tried all sorts of medication and of course the pain blockers. Damn I wish it was a good common sense doctor who would be reading these notes, and not someone that you feel is out to get you. Of course, it isn't my only condition which affects me. But it IS the most painful and debilitating of them when it is at its worst. Any other pains I can handle so to speak, but neck pain is the worst...for me at least.
  9. Seeking out one last bit of help before I post this damned thing off. I managed to find a handful of notes at my G.P's that help prove long term chronic pain - especially in my neck. I did get one note from the hospital which actually outlines some other injuries and long term pains and nerve problems I have had. However, this note refers to the C4/5 bone protrusion in my neck but says that an operation wouldn't help. I was actually told by the doctor that saw me after the scan revealing that, that he wouldn't operate because the risks of an operation on your neck, outweighed any possible relief that I may or may not have felt. One doctor decided to follow me up with some pain blocking injections. But does state in a note I have that "the injections won't help in the long term as long as Steve has the chronic protrusion at the C4/5 area. So, do I include the initial note and make my own personal note of why I was told they wouldn't operate. Or could they choose to look on it negatively despite the second note about the pain blocking? I'm torn as the first note does contain mentions of a few other nerve and pain issues. Bear in mind these are pretty much the only useful notes I can actually get my hands on since my notes were lost and destroyed. I keep second guessing myself as to what I should do :/ Thanks
  10. Yeah I have started t mark each extra note with my name, national insurance number, and also the title of the question it relates to. I'm going to staple them all together and then staple them to the form. The post the form recorded delivery
  11. I've decided to just write as much information for each question that I can - even those I'm not too sure about. That way they can read it and decide for themselves whether it is relevant or not. At least then, as people have said, I have given them all the details that I can and nothing would be sprung on them should I go for a medical etc. Had another bit of "great news" - the G.P (not my new one but the old one I was at that closed down) has lost the majority of my notes. The surgery closed down completely and my notes were supposedly passed on to my new G.P. But my notes only go back to 1997 which is after the majority of my operations, scans, you name it, were carried out. All my history going back to when I was first born.....all gone. Hard to believe that not only did the hospital destroy all my notes, but that my personal history has been almost wiped out as well. It's like something from a movie. People will stop recognising me soon and I'll be on the run fearing for my life
  12. Got a quick question again please folks. I've been making notes on a daily basis as things come to mind, in preparation for finally filling the form in this week. Just need to get them in a nice orderly fashion so that it makes sense and they can't skip anything vital Anyway, I had some advice from CAB and have a quick query about the question of getting up/down two steps unaided etc. My main issue with my legs is my right ankle, which has never been the same since my accident. It doesn't flex properly and gets extremely painful. My left foot also droops slightly. As a consequence, whenever I go up and down stairs I never feel safe unless there is a bannister/hand rail. Now, the main problem is that my left arm/hand doesn't have much dexterity, and little to no strength. So I need to be able to always hold a hand rail that would be on my right hand side. Up and down a couple of steps isn't normally a problem as usually you use one or two steps once in a blue moon. But I have on occasion almost slipped on a couple of steps when my legs have been at their most painful, but have luckily had something on the right to grab on to. If there was only something on the left I would have fallen for sure. CAB advised me to put "it varies" for the steps question as if I got fatigued in my legs, or sharp pains and faltered for a second, I would need to grab something. And as I say, if I only had something to grab on the left I'd be in trouble. I know it is only two steps, but a fall is a fall. I do feel a bit odd though, as obviously two steps doesn't seem like much and I haven't ever found myself having to continuously go up and down a couple of steps since my accident to be honest. I'd say 99% of the time I'd be fine. But do I take into account the one time I might not be ok (how often is repeatedly, as mentioned on the form..in real terms?) and my ankle gave way or I slipped - or my legs were in pain etc? It seems a bit flaky that question and is the one I'm most uncomfortable answering. To be honest, it should say stairs so that people can better answer. Thanks
  13. Thanks Starry Had a phone call from the hospital records office yesterday. They have indeed destroyed all my records. Hundreds of pages of reports, around 150 x-rays, mri scans etc etc. All destroyed as they claim I hadn't been to the hospital in 10 years (which isn't true, I last went about 7-8 years ago). But that is it, all gone. Thank god my doctor does have a lot of correspondence even if he doesn't have actual scans and whatnot.
  14. Well I'm going by past records because once nothing more could be done to fix my arm etc, it was a case of being discharged with the doctors being apologetic that nothing more could be done. I mean, no one has ever said "right, lets test how far you can walk, if it hurts....can you lift anything with your left hand etc". Last form I filled in was 5 or 6 years ago...I need to check which. But everything was fine then, and that was based on past records because that is all I have? I think sometimes looking online is bad. I know there is a ton of help, but everyone focuses more on the bad news and it makes you worry even more. Guy at CAB seemed to think everything was ok. I am seeing my doctor at 9am today. I'll ask him about my records and about regulation 29. He is going to need to get up to speed on everything though. edit: that didn't go too badly. While he didn't have half as many notes as the hospital (he still had maybe 100 pages of stuff/?) he said not too worry for now, to make sure I stress how bad the really bad days are. And that there is enough in my notes to point out the long term injuries and long term chronic pain) and that he had already done four appeals this morning to try and help people out. He was totally sympathetic. He did seem aggrieved by the whole eas process, saying how the doctors probably won't even look you in the eye when they interview you. He wasn't impressed. But as a doctor himself, I guess he doesn't like doctors being painted in a bad light. I did ask him about regulation 29 (have I got that right?) but he didn't know what it was.
  15. Ok, interesting point about what medical stuff I may need. All my hospital notes will be about the injuries I sustained. After my spell in hospital I was sent home in a wheelchair because my legs were still badly damaged and I had metal work screwed on the outside of one of them. It took a long time for my right leg to heal where it had been broken (over a year) It was a slow process and I had a lot of physio visits. As for specifics about how far I can walk, use of my arm etc. I honestly don't think specifics will ever have been discussed? I mean it will be noted what damage I did to everything and how much of it would be permanent. But otherwise I'm not sure. But of course, bear in mind that I got better over such a long period (and had several visits back to "tweak things" for example trying to stop my fingers drooping down as much on my left hand, and to try and give a little more flex to my ankles), and a lot of it happened so long ago, that I can't recall all the details of what my original G.P may or may not have been told. That has me worrying again now to be honest. I'll just have to see whether the hospital has any notes, and also what has been passed on to my new G.P. but I need to get an amended request form sent to the hospital and I didn't think about copies of xrays and whatnot - and feel like an idiot for that now. I guess I should just ask for everything! Even if there are a ton of xrays - although most xrays are almost carbon copies as they just kept xray'ing my leg at every visit to see if it was fusing at the ankle. Thankfully they only emailed me late yesterday afternoon so by the time I had managed to get it emailed back it was probably close to them finishing for the day. I'll get the amended form sent before 9am today. Is a bit of a nuisance people wanting emailed scans of things as I don't have a printer or scanner so need to ask a friend to make a fairly decent trip to pick me up and sort it out :/ I'm still unsure as to whether my license was good enough I.D for them. The girl said I really needed photo I.D - which I don't have. I don't have a passport and my license is the old pink paper ones. Fingers crossed that is enough!
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