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  1. Also with regards to accessing gardens, my garden is surrounded by the neighbours who's land runs next to & behind mine due to some odd land owning laws! One neighbour is elderly & has had several strokes as mentioned & the other is under social services care for mental health reasons, were they to access my property via either neighbour it would be tresspass as both are vunerable & there was something else about neighbours granting access to property that I will go back & look but you all no doubt know!!! I need to go give my head a wobble & calm down!!!
  2. Urgh I cannot believe I let myself get so very upset!! I've had the local MP ring back just before he left his office (surprisingly nice guy) and I'd been making payments & they had no right to send the baliff in but did as (and I quote) " They were within the death throws of what could be collected from you and they thought that as you were fairly young and alone you'd panic and pay/let them in" It's now gone to the ombedsman as I recorded the calls where he treatened to take kids things/beds/get a lock smith & phone the police for access! Added to that I'd explained I was willing to pay more when my job started & that I am seen as vunerable due to my housing situation & young single Mum & I hope Rossendales may get an almighty kick up the arse but I will keep you posted on the progress of this!! For ANYONE in a similar situation can I firstly say the MP backed up the advice to pay the council direct & not to speak too/open the door to/be afraid of the bailiff & also really your MP is surprisingly actually on your side! Then secondly the advice on here is amazing! I would have panicked & let him in for sure if I hadn't have read through all this!!! Thank You to everyone who posted on here and also to everyone who took the time on so many other links to drum it in that I did not have to open the door or pay the big aggresive monkey!!
  3. All other bills at the old house I made sure were paid & up to date weeks ago, and I was dealing with this but Rossendales refused to accept any sensible offers despite me sending full financial statements & making weekly payments & bounced it back to the baliff, funnily enough having him arrive the day before I was due to make my next payment!!
  4. Sorry RE the debt it is has no links to the ex husband other than him being my current landlord. It was an ex boyfriend (Yes I'm an idiot) and no I left and I did not change my name until almost 4 months later, so though i wasn't present I am at fault so do owe the money! The baliff has never entered either this house, my mothers or the address the debt is on and I plan to keep it that way and have contacted my MP this afternoon as it's cost me £20 in ringing between Rossendales, the council and the baliff which I'd have much rather paid onto the debt!! Now the online payment has been accepted by the council does this mean I can say the council has accepted payment to the baliff or do I need to see if they contact me regarding the payment??? Thanks to all
  5. Thank You! Thought he was pushing it with his repeated hang ups & threats to take kids things. He wouldn't even speak over the phone & just kept hanging up saying " I'm on my way have money or I'm taking everything..." Have a feeling he may try later tonight rather than when it's nice and sunny but I've just made payment online to the council!!
  6. I've moved the address (I moved 2 weeks ago and had been asking daily that Rossendales changed the address) to the one I'm now at which is again different from the one on the L/O. I wasn't aware I could pay the council direct so thank you lots for that, I just keep getting the "it's out of our hands" line that seems to be quite common reading threads! Me and the ex have now been seperated 3 years, divorce was finalised before L/O was actioned so does this exempt him?? For vehicle I don't have one and his is company so I'm guessing that's safe??? Thank You lots for your reply!!
  7. Sorry an added question, the house we're at the neighbours large garden surrounds ours, there is no way to get to it from public property, if the landlord enters my neighbours garden (he's very elderly and has had several strokes) in able to enter mine is that legal?? I'm concerned that I'd like the children to be able to go out to play but obviously not if it means allowing a point of entry????
  8. Hello, I've been reading here all day and I've followed lots of advice but am still paniking!!! I've been stupid enough to get into this situation and dearly need to get straight but Rossendales are being really awkward! The full story, I was in a crappy relationship, rent & council tax were in my name, he didn't pay. I'd ended the relationship & left and suddenly started getting letters to my Mothers house (given to them by the landlord) I contacted council, set up to pay and like an idiot never managed to pay! It was then passed to rossendales. I've been contacting them weekly to set up payments, sent my payment plan, paid a nominal £10 each Thursday and constantly explained to them I did not live at the address they had I was inbetween houses. (Long long one but I was on the last 4 months of a course and the choice was give up 2 years work or allow my children to live with their Dad while I sofa surfed to save money & finish, that has actually worked and I'll have full time work from September & my ex husband has allowed me to take over the mortgage at this point & he'll move out as the kids are settled) Yesterday a bailiff arrived and scared the hell out of my Mum, she did not let him in and I finally got Rossendales to take her address off.... catch being they had to put the ex husbands address on.... like a fool I gave them this and then had a call from the bailiff that he was arriving with a van! I've written out the really helpful letter found on here, locked all the doors & windows and told the kids & ex husband. He is understandably fuming as it is HIS house and HIS possesions and nothing is mine (divorce was 2 years ago and came before he bought this I am on nothing, I left all possesions other than the childrens at the idiot place & yes the ex husband I probably should have just stayed with!) I've been passed between the council & rossendales all morning, when I've tried to phone the bailiff he's threatened to take the beds??? sofa??? kids things??? (he can't do this can he??) and I'm slowly getting myself really worked up!!! Do I leave this house and go back to being homeless and all?? I know he's now visited my Mothers house twice (he went last night and this morning) so can he come here as it's a new address?? Sorry it's long and ranty! I'm in a ridiculous state as I'm stressing that now all the years sacrifices will just be for nothing!! Thank You, Hannah
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