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  1. No, we didn't try (a no win no fee solicitor) jet, are you recommending to us? I will look around.
  2. Thank you for encouragements, we desperately needed. She didn’t have any formal hearing etc. We have all the text messages as evidence and recorded voice mails. Without these evidences, probably we could have lost it badly, because they have been represented by barriers and solicitors
  3. Luckily, her former employer did admit that he sent these text messages. he wrote: ' You are made redundant , the redundancy is because I need to reduce the number of staff and as you were the last to join then you should be first’’ (without consultation) We sent these text messages to his lawyers/barriers as they denied (at first), whether there were text messages exchanged between my sister and her former employer. However he wrote in his witness statement as cover up , : ''I indicated to the claimant, by SMS, that I plan to make her 'redundant'; it was perhaps the most polite way of putting it but essentially, I wanted to dismiss the claimant and this was the 'the softest way of doing'' I appreciate that I 'dressed up'' the fact that I wanted her out of the business to that the rest of us could get on with our work and not have to work daily with the claimant because it would have been impossible for her and her colleagues''. Ps: I need to add some extra information that my sister had huge arguments (two days before for her actual dismissal) with employer wife and his wife was her manager.
  4. Again thank you for the interest. Sadly, she does not have any legal cover. What kind of hearing? The hearing is full hearing. My sister has become bitterer woman since this happened to her, but now she feels unable to think probably due to high level of stress and constantly depressed. This is why I am trying to collect her for good advices. Any advice and recommendation are greatly appreciated.
  5. Sorry for not answering all the questions. helped by a solicitor, But now she doesnt have anymore a lawyer due to financial reasons, and she is repressing herself. What kind of hearing is it? been unfairly dismissed
  6. Sorry for not answering all the questions. helped by a solicitor, But now she doesnt have anymore a lawyer due to financial reasons, and she is repressing herself. What kind of hearing is it? been unfairly dismissed
  7. On 20th December 2012, she was made redundant by text message, on the 21st December 2012, she accused gross miss conduct for forged a letter, using the company name for helping a friend. She never received a contract from them. No procedures followed Furthermore, nothing was paid towards her, even in the text message she received from former employer promised him (on the 20th December) for redundancy pay. But on 21st of December 2012, they accused her gross miss conduct. Therefore, No redundancy pay.
  8. Emmzzi, thank you for reply. 1: No there was no a formal hearing for mis conduct. . She got text messages from employer (was made redundant on 20th December 2012), and the employer requested her to return the keys for the following day in the office, when She arrived at the office on the 21th December 2012, They accused her for gross miss conduct and dismissed her instantly without a meeting or investigation. She did receive a letter in January 2013 about her dismissal, stated the reason why she was dismissed instanly.
  9. :-xThe Facts are 1: My sister worked for 9 years in a small firm. 2: She was made redundant through text message (on 20 December 2012). 3: in that text message, even employer calculated for her the amount her redundancy pay could be; 4: However, She received a letter in January 2013; her former employers stated that she was dismissed because of gross miss conduct due to a forged letter that they found on her desk on 21th December 2012. In which she denies strongly. 5: Then now she sued her former employer for unfair dismissal, for the fact there was not really redundant issue had discussed, and no consultation. 6: in few weeks time, she has a hearting sitting at Employment tribunal. Please gives us some advice as she is representing herself and no experience Thank you.
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