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  1. Hello everyone on the Consumer Action Group You may have read last week that I won an important victory in the High court when Barnet Council's 300% hike in resident's parking charges were declared unlawful. The case has been highlighted by a number of newspapers. A good summary was provided by the Daily Mail: I can't post a link due to forum rules but you can Google "Daily Mail Attfield Barnet" The reason I am posting this thread is that Barnet Council is threatening to appeal against the ruling. But also the only way Barnet could win an appeal is by persuading the Court of Appeal that councils can set parking charges in order to maximise traffic management revenue (for concessionary fares, road repairs etc) and not just in order to manage/control parking. A victory for Barnet would therefore have enormous consequences not just for CPZ residents but for car users generally. Councils would have a sweeping new power to raise revenue form drivers. Barnet have until the end of this week to lodge appeal papers. A petition has been set up urging the council to accept the High Court ruling. I would be extremely grateful if you would read the petition as soon as possible and sign it if you agree with it. Again, I can;t post a link. Please Googel "Barnet online petition" We only have a few days to persuade the council not to appeal. Thank you David Attfield,
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