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  1. Hi, I am new to this forum, so please excuse me if this 'problem' seems a little trivial. I work in a large college of further education on a full time academic contract. About four years ago i took promotion from my job as a lecturer in English to the post of curriculum leader in Additional Learning Support. Since taking the promotion, I have become increasingly confused about what my role is and how I can provide a high quality service. In my opinion there are two main problems. The first is that my job description does not bear any resemblence to the job I actually do, so I have nothing to guide me in terms of actions and performance. The second is that there seem to be so many people (the majority on agency contracts) employed to do the same job, but on different rates of pay, that any notion of equivalence or line management is renderd invalid. I have talked to my manager, her senior and the Head of HR about this situation (tactfully) and I have been assured that I will have a change of job description. However, so far nothing has happened. I am beginning to dread the next academic year because I am afraid I will have nothing to do except watch a team of specialist support people take up the work whilst I wait to be admonished for being 'under hours'. i am sorry if I have confused people, but any advice would be appreciated.
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