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Everything posted by kevinp123

  1. They have offered me 6 months payment but I have refused as I think it is an Insult after paying them for over 60 months for an account that should of been cancelled when I upgraded and have not used Once in 60 Months. They are going to phone me back next week.
  2. OK In October 2007 I signed up for a dial up conection to aol. The next year April 2008 I upgraded this conection to AOLTalkTalk/ Broadband. I can vagualy remember they cancelled the dial up when they changed me over to Broadband, but can not prove it. The problem is since October 2007 they have been charging me £31.99 for the dialup although I have not used it AT ALL since I upgraded to AOL talktalk Broadband, They take this paymeny from my Debit Card. Also charging me between £28 to £30 for Broadband which is not a problem as I am using this one, This comes out as a Direct Debit. So for the last five years I have been charged the £31.99 for a service I have not used at all. AOL are trying to blame me for not cancelling the Dial up back then in 2007, I told then that I was sure i did, and after getting passed on to 5 different people on the phone the last guy said that he would speak to a maneger and call me back tomorrow. Is there a way that I can claim this money back,? as I have not used the Dial up conection at all since I signed up for Broadband, and surley they can see this on my account. Thanks Kevin
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