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  1. Thank you for replying, with regards to self employment any thoughts on what could be done, I am so used to working for others.
  2. I was wondering what peoples experience was with life after a conviction (being guilty), how have you managed to shake off the guilt and shame of people knowing what you have done (and the guilt and shame that you have yourself), and any tips on gaining employment? Any useful organisations? Thank you
  3. I was wondering how this all resolved itself?
  4. Thank you. Maxxer are you still available to comment, your experience would be much appreciated? I don't have enough posts to message Maxxer but if anyone can message him to ask if he can assist with my situation then that would be appreciated. Old Bill if you are also available then it would be appreciated. Thank you
  5. Thank you newtothismalarkey, I really regret what I did (at the time justified it in my head that I was returning their goods, albeit under a different transaction) and wish that I could turn back the clock. I will not return to the store. Do you think they will come looking for me as they did ask for my surname and postcode or will this again be used as another flag in their system? I can't eat, can't sleep, I have been so foolish :0(
  6. Thank you for your response, It occurred in the last week (the original jacket was bought outwith the returns policy). I don't know if to send them back in the post (original item)? Or whether this will draw attention to it? If so what do I say? Their camera's will identify that it is two different items. I am really worried.
  7. I did something silly, I had lost the receipt of an unused jacket from TK, bought another item of the same price and put the label on the jacket. It was accepted at the till and I want to back track my lapse in judgement. What can I do?
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