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  1. It was standard fare
  2. Hello, I was supposed to fly between Luxembourg and Gatwick 2 weeks ago with easyjet. Unfortunately, due to a traffic jam, I missed my flight... As nobody was able to offer me something better, I had to pay 230E to go to London (I'm a french student in the UK). However, it is said in EZ terms & conditions that Easyjet can offer a transfer, if: -the passenger arrives within 2h of the scheduled flight time -the passenger will not cause delay to the flight -the passenger pays a Rescue Fee -seats are available on the next flight (Terms and conditions: 9.1.6 If You arrive late at the airport for Your Flight, provided You arrive within 2 hours of Your original Flight’s departure time, You should proceed to the Sales Desk or Customer Services Desk to find out if it is possible to transfer. Subject to the payment of a Rescue Fee set out in Our Fees and Charges, we will transfer you to the next Flight that has seats available and where it would not cause a delay to the Flight’s departure) The conditions were fulfilled (at least the 3 first), but the personal of the airport did not offer me this possibility or even check if there was seats in the next flight (which was the next day). Thus, I contacted the support, but their answer is that it is on "airport's staff discretion" and that it is "merely a discretionary offer". What do you think I can do? I know it's my mistake but having to pay this money as a student is pretty tough... Thank you, Ludovic
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