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  1. AirVPN is not free but very cheap and works perfectly on both Windows and Android. If you are not file sharing I can't see any reason why you should want to use a VPN (It's total overkill!). If you are concerned about trackers use Ghostery! A VPN such as Air will protect you from snoopers since all traffic is encrypted.
  2. Seriously, don't waste a single minute of your time or a single penny of your money on this project. The outcome will never be good and it will end in tears!
  3. Hang on a minute! I use Speedhost to host my site and there is no way you can setup a hosting account without a credit or debit card and you must pay upfront for the first quarter. So, who's credit or debit card did you use? Are you the parent or the child?
  4. OIC! It's really difficult to complain about unsecure pages when they should be secure. I would try the site host and/or Visa/Mastercard! Which site are you talking about in particular?
  5. I just checked their site and the credit card info page is 100% secure!
  6. Sorry, but anyone who gives a 14 year old child their iTunes password and then lets the child use their iPad/iPhone unsupervised gets no sympathy from me. It's no different from giving the child your card PIN and sending them off to the shops!
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